Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine

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Scenes from the Legend of Saint Catherine, the painting that gave this master his Notname. Now in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Meester van de Catharinalegende (ca.1470-1500) Episoden uit het leven van de H. Catharina KMSKB 29-01-2019.JPG
Scenes from the Legend of Saint Catherine, the painting that gave this master his Notname. Now in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium

The Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine (or the Master of the Saint Catherine Legend) is the notname for an unknown late 15th century Early Netherlandish painter. He was named after a painting with Scenes from the Legend of Saint Catherine, now kept in the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium. He was active between c. 1470 and c. 1500, [1] probably around Brussels. [2]



In the 19th century, his works, like many Early Netherlandish paintings, were attributed to Jan van Eyck or Hans Memling. At the 1902 Exposition des primitifs flamands à Bruges, the Mass of Saint Gregory panels (now in the Metropolitan Museum) were attributed to an unknown follower of Rogier van der Weyden, placing the artist more in the Brussels' school of artists than the earlier attributions. [1] Multiple works were first attributed to this artist by Max Jacob Friedländer.

It has been speculated that the Master may be the Brussels master Pieter van der Weyden, son of Rogier van der Weyden. No works by Pieter van der Weyden are known, even though he was clearly an important painter in Brussels in the late 15th century. [2]


Triptych of the Miracles of Christ, workshop of the Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine, now in the National Gallery of Victoria Bottega del maestro della leggenda di santa caterina, trittico coi miracoli di cristo 01.JPG
Triptych of the Miracles of Christ, workshop of the Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine, now in the National Gallery of Victoria


Workshop, circle, after...

Works which have been said to be by the workshop of the Master, or in his circle, or otherwise related to his work and style, include:

Rejected attributions


  1. 1 2 3 "Master of the Saint Catherine Legend". Metropolitan Museum of Art.
  2. 1 2 "Meester van de Catharinalegende". RKD.
  3. "Laatste Avondmaal". BALaT.
  4. "Sainte Anne Trinitaire". BALaT.
  5. "Triptyque de l'histoire de Job et scènes de l'histoire de saint Pierre La Visitation et le donateur Claudio Villa avec la légende de la fondation de S. Maria ad nives (Maggiore) à Rome". BALaT.
  6. "Nativité". BALaT.
  7. "La Vierge et l'Enfant entre sainte Barbe et sainte Catherine". BALaT.
  8. "Hugo de Groot, chanoine d'Utrech". BALaT.
  9. "Triptyque de la Descente de Croix". BALaT.
  10. "Portret van Filips van Kleef, heer van Ravenstein". BALaT.
  11. "Adoration des Mages". BALaT.
  12. "Vierge et Enfant avec un ange dans un paysage". BALaT.
  13. "Saint Blaise / Sainte Catherine". BALaT.
  14. "Virgin and Child in a Landscape". Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.
  15. "Still Life with Books and a Basin". Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.

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