Matching distance

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In mathematics, the matching distance [1] [2] is a metric on the space of size functions.

Mathematics Field of study concerning quantity, patterns and change

Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure, space, and change.

Metric (mathematics) mathematical function that defines a distance between elements of a set

In mathematics, a metric or distance function is a function that defines a distance between each pair of elements of a set. A set with a metric is called a metric space. A metric induces a topology on a set, but not all topologies can be generated by a metric. A topological space whose topology can be described by a metric is called metrizable.

Size functions are shape descriptors, in a geometrical/topological sense. They are functions from the half-plane to the natural numbers, counting certain connected components of a topological space. They are used in pattern recognition and topology.

Example: The matching distance between
{\displaystyle \ell _{1}=r+a+b}
{\displaystyle \ell _{2}=r'+a'}
is given by
{\displaystyle d_{\text{match}}(\ell _{1},\ell _{2})=\max\{\delta (r,r'),\delta (b,a'),\delta (a,\Delta )\}=4} DistMatchWiki1.png
Example: The matching distance between and is given by

The core of the definition of matching distance is the observation that the information contained in a size function can be combinatorially stored in a formal series of lines and points of the plane, called respectively cornerlines and cornerpoints .

Given two size functions and , let (resp. ) be the multiset of all cornerpoints and cornerlines for (resp. ) counted with their multiplicities, augmented by adding a countable infinity of points of the diagonal .

The matching distance between and is given by where varies among all the bijections between and and

Roughly speaking, the matching distance between two size functions is the minimum, over all the matchings between the cornerpoints of the two size functions, of the maximum of the -distances between two matched cornerpoints. Since two size functions can have a different number of cornerpoints, these can be also matched to points of the diagonal . Moreover, the definition of implies that matching two points of the diagonal has no cost.

See also

In mathematics, size theory studies the properties of topological spaces endowed with -valued functions, with respect to the change of these functions. More formally, the subject of size theory is the study of the natural pseudodistance between size pairs. A survey of size theory can be found in .

Given a size pair where is a manifold of dimension and is an arbitrary real continuous function defined on it, the -th size functor, with , denoted by , is the functor in , where is the category of ordered real numbers, and is the category of Abelian groups, defined in the following way. For , setting , , equal to the inclusion from into , and equal to the morphism in from to ,

The concept of size homotopy group is analogous in size theory of the classical concept of homotopy group. In order to give its definition, let us assume that a size pair is given, where is a closed manifold of class and is a continuous function. Consider the lexicographical order on defined by setting if and only if . For every set .

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  1. Michele d'Amico, Patrizio Frosini, Claudia Landi, Using matching distance in Size Theory: a survey, International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, 16(5):154–161, 2006.
  2. Michele d'Amico, Patrizio Frosini, Claudia Landi, Natural pseudo-distance and optimal matching between reduced size functions, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 109(2):527-554, 2010.