Mazur (surname)

Last updated

Mazur (archaic feminine: Mazurowa, plural Mazurowie) is the 14th most common surname in Poland (68,090 people in 2009). [1] [2] It signifies someone from northern Mazovia [3] [4] and has been known since the 15th century. [3] It is also common amongst Ashkenazi Jews. [5]


Prevalence of the surname in Polish voivodships

People with this surname

See also


  1. Frequency and geographic distribution of the surname Mazur in Poland
  2. Ministry of Interior (Poland). Statystyka najpopularniejszych nazwisk występujących w Polsce in 2009 Archived 2013-09-28 at the Wayback Machine (The most popular surnames in Poland in 2009). RetrievedAugust 19, 2013.
  3. 1 2 Rembiszewska, Dorota Krystyna (2006). "Nazwy osobowe Żydów z Wysokiego Mazowieckiego w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym" (PDF). Studia Łomżyńskie. 17. PWN: 56. ISSN   0860-7249.
  4. Kowalczyk, Magdalena (2011). "Nazwiska wrocławian z parafii pod wezwaniem św. Michała Archanioła (od 1946 do 1996 roku)". Onomastica Slavogermanica. 30. University of Wrocław: 230. ISSN   0474-1471.
  5. Dictionary of American Family Names: 3-Volume Set. Oxford University Press, USA. 8 May 2003. ISBN   978-0-19-508137-4.