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The Melograph, similar to the Melodiograph, is a mechanical apparatus for ethnomusicological transcription usually producing some sort of graph that can be preserved and filed, similar to a recording of music. Beginning with attempts by Milton Metfessel in 1928, assorted devices such as this have been developed or manufactured, the most notable dating back to the 1950s and situated at the University of California in Los Angeles (Charles Seeger), the University of Oslo (Olav Gurvin and Karl Dahlback), and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem (Dalia Cohen and Ruth Katz).

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Fingering...also stopping...(1) A system of symbols for the fingers of the hand used to associate specific notes with specific fingers....(2)Control of finger movements and position to achieve physiological efficiency, acoustical accuracy [frequency and amplitude] and musical articulation.

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A musician named Sant Omer or hailing from the Flemish town of Saint-Omer near of Calais is specified as the composer of a three-voice Sanctus in the early fifteenth century music manuscript, Padua, Biblioteca Universitaria, MS 1475. Fragments of the Sanctus are also found in a manuscript formerly in Budapest, discovered in 1990 but now lost. The style of the piece has been described as "archaic" with modal rhythms resembling those of the Mass of Tournai. It is one of several pieces described as part of the "Stili Vaganti" by Francesco Facchin. Adjacent to the Paduan Sanctus is an Agnus Dei in similar style which may be by the same composer.
