Members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (N)

Last updated

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (Dutch: Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, abbreviated: KNAW) is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

List of members (N)

NameTypeDivisionDate of electionNotesRef.
Samuel Adrianus Naber Member1865 [1]
Jean Charles Naber Member1906Resigned in 1940. Re-admitted in 1945. [2]
Johann August Nahl 1809 [3]
Johann August Nauck Foreign Member1885 [4]
Charles P.T. Naudé Corresponding Member1971 [5]
Bram Nauta MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering2017 [6]
Lodi Nauta MemberHumanities2011 [7]
Walle J.H. Nauta Corresponding Member1978 [8]
François Joseph Navez 1826 [9]
Jacques Neefjes MemberMedical, Biomedical and Health Sciences2015 [10]
Louis Eugène Felix Néel Foreign Member1959 [11]
Bernard Marie Karel Nefkens Corresponding Member1997 [12]
John Nerbonne MemberHumanities2005 [13]
Nancy Nersessian Foreign MemberBehavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law2006 [14]
Mihai Netea MemberMedical, Biomedical and Health Sciences2016 [15]
Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk Corresponding Member1868 [16]
John von Neumann Foreign Member1950 [17]
Walter Neupert Foreign MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering1999 [18]
Simon Newcomb Foreign Member1898 [19]
N.M.M. (Nico) Nibbering Member1988 [20]
William Nicholson 1809 [21]
Barthold Georg Niebuhr 1809 [22]
Cornelis Bernardus van Niel Corresponding Member1950 [23]
Bernard Nienhuis MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering2003 [24]
Jan Frederik Niermeyer Member1962 [25]
Hugo Frederik Nierstrasz Member1930 [26]
Wiro Niessen MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering2017 [27]
Bernardus Nieuhoff 1809 [28]
A.W. Nieuwenhuis Corresponding Member1902Resigned in 1904 [29]
Jacob Hans Nieuwenhuis Member2005 [12]
Lambertus Nieuwenhuis 1809 [30]
Peter van Nieuwenhuizen Corresponding MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering1994 [31]
Willem Nieuwenkamp Member1965 [32]
E.H. Niggli Foreign Member1969 [33]
Albert Nijenhuis Corresponding Member1966 [34]
Emmie te Nijenhuis MemberHumanities1978 [35]
Peter Nijkamp MemberBehavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law1987 [36]
A.A. Nijland Member1923 [37]
Johannes Aram Nodell 1809 [38]
F.M. Noël 1809 [39]
Th. Nöldeke Foreign Member1878 [40]
Guust Nolet Corresponding MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering1996 [41]
André Nollkaemper MemberBehavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law2012 [42]
Roeland Nolte MemberNatural Sciences and Engineering2006 [43]
Mrs. Hélène Nolthenius, sp/o Wagenaar Member1970Became Foreign Member in 1978, re-admitted as regular member in 1981. [44]
Masayasu Nomura Foreign Member1989 [34]
Ed Noort MemberHumanities1998 [45]
Bart Nooteboom MemberBehavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law2000 [46]
E. Nordenskiöld Foreign Member1932 [47]
John D. North Member1985 [48]
T.J. Northcote 1809 [49]
Frits R. Noske Member1978 [50]
G.R.F.M. Nuchelmans Member1975 [51]
Alexander Numan 1827 [52]
Hermanus Numan 1808 [53]
Roel Nusse Corresponding MemberMedical, Biomedical and Health Sciences1997 [54]
Is. An. Nyhoff 1828 [55]

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The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is an organization dedicated to the advancement of science and literature in the Netherlands. The academy is housed in the Trippenhuis in Amsterdam. Founded in 1808, members are appointed for life by co-optation.


  1. "Samuel Adrianus Naber", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  2. "Jean Charles Naber", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  3. "Johann August Nahl", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  4. "Johann August Nauck", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  5. "Charles P.T. Naudé", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  6. "Bram Nauta", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  7. "Lodi Nauta", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  8. "Walle J.H. Nauta", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  9. "François Joseph Navez", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  10. "Jacques Neefjes", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  11. "Louis Eugène Felix Néel", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  12. 1 2 Levensberichten en herdenkingen 2016 (Amsterdam: Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2016).
  13. "John Nerbonne", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  14. "Nancy Nersessian", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  15. "Mihai Netea", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  16. "Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  17. "John von Neumann", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  18. "Walter Neupert", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  19. "Simon Newcomb", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  20. "N.M.M. (Nico) Nibbering", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  21. "William Nicholson", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  22. "Barthold Georg Niebuhr", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  23. "Cornelis Bernardus van Niel", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  24. "Bernard Nienhuis", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  25. "Jan Frederik Niermeyer", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  26. "Hugo Frederik Nierstrasz", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  27. "Wiro Niessen", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  28. "Bernardus Nieuhoff", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  29. "A.W. Nieuwenhuis", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  30. "Lambertus Nieuwenhuis", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  31. "Peter van Nieuwenhuizen", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  32. "Willem Nieuwenkamp", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  33. "E.H. Niggli", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  34. 1 2 D. J. van de Kaa; Kaa; Y. de Roo (19 December 2008). De Leden Van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie Van Wetenschappen: Een Demografisch Perspectief: 1808 Tot 2008. Amsterdam University Press. p. 319. ISBN   978-90-6984-552-4.
  35. "Emmie te Nijenhuis", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  36. "Peter Nijkamp", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  37. "A.A. Nijland", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  38. "Johannes Aram Nodell", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  39. "F.M. Noël", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  40. "Th. Nöldeke", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  41. "Guust Nolet", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  42. "André Nollkaemper", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  43. "Roeland Nolte", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  44. "Mrs. Hélène Nolthenius, sp/o Wagenaar", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  45. "Ed Noort", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  46. "Bart Nooteboom", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  47. "E. Nordenskiöld", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  48. "John D. North", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  49. "T.J. Northcote", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  50. "Frits R. Noske", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  51. "G.R.F.M. Nuchelmans", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  52. "Alexander Numan", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  53. "Hermanus Numan", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  54. "Roel Nusse", Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science. Retrieved 3 May 2020.
  55. "Is. An. Nyhoff", KNAW Historisch Ledenbestand (Digitaal Wetenschapshistorisch Centrum). Retrieved 3 May 2020.