Metabolic ecology

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Metabolic ecology is a field of ecology aiming to understand constraints on metabolic organization as important for understanding almost all life processes. [1] [2] Main focus is on the metabolism of individuals, emerging intra- and inter-specific patterns, and the evolutionary perspective.

Two main metabolic theories that have been applied in ecology are Kooijman's Dynamic energy budget (DEB) theory and the West, Brown, and Enquist (WBE) theory of ecology. [2] Both theories have an individual-based metabolic underpinning, but have fundamentally different assumptions. [3] [4] [5] [6]

Models of individual's metabolism follow the energy uptake and allocation, and can focus on mechanisms and constraints of energy transport (transport models), or on dynamic use of stored metabolites (energy budget models). [1] [7]

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  1. 1 2 Maino, James L.; Kearney, Michael R.; Nisbet, Roger M.; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M. (2014-01-01). "Reconciling theories for metabolic scaling". Journal of Animal Ecology. 83 (1): 20–29. doi:10.1111/1365-2656.12085. ISSN   1365-2656. PMID   23668377.
  2. 1 2 Kearney, Michael R.; White, Craig R. (2012-11-01). "Testing Metabolic Theories" (PDF). The American Naturalist. 180 (5): 546–565. doi:10.1086/667860. ISSN   0003-0147. PMID   23070317.
  3. van der Meer, Jaap (2006). "Metabolic theories in ecology". Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 21 (3): 136–140. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2005.11.004. ISSN   0169-5347. PMID   16701489.
  4. van der Meer, Jaap (2006). "An introduction to Dynamic Energy Budget (DEB) models with special emphasis on parameter estimation". Journal of Sea Research. 56 (2): 85–102. Bibcode:2006JSR....56...85V. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2006.03.001. ISSN   1385-1101.
  5. Kearney, Michael R.; White, Craig R. (2012-11-01). "Testing Metabolic Theories" (PDF). The American Naturalist. 180 (5): 546–565. doi:10.1086/667860. ISSN   0003-0147. PMID   23070317.
  6. White, Craig R.; Kearney, Michael R.; Matthews, Philip G. D.; Kooijman, Sebastiaan A. L. M.; Marshall, Dustin J. (2011-12-01). "A Manipulative Test of Competing Theories for Metabolic Scaling" (PDF). The American Naturalist. 178 (6): 746–754. doi:10.1086/662666. ISSN   0003-0147. PMID   22089869.
  7. Lika, Konstadia; Nisbet, Roger M. (2000-10-01). "A Dynamic Energy Budget model based on partitioning of net production". Journal of Mathematical Biology. 41 (4): 361–386. doi:10.1007/s002850000049. ISSN   0303-6812. PMID   11103872.