Middleware for Robotic Applications

Last updated
Developer(s) MetraLabs GmbH,
Ilmenau University of Technology
Initial release27 April 2012;8 years ago (2012-04-27)
Stable release
2020-04-26 / 26 April 2020;11 months ago (2020-04-26)
Written in C++
Operating system Linux, Windows
Type Robotics suite, Middleware
License Dual License:
GPL Version 3,
Professional Edition License
Website www.mira-project.org

Middleware for Robotic Applications (MIRA) is a cross-platform, open-source software framework written in C++ that provides a middleware, several base functionalities and numerous tools for developing and testing distributed software modules. It also focuses on easy creation of complex, dynamic applications, while reusing these modules as plugins. The main purpose of MIRA is the development of robotic applications, but as it is designed to allow type safe data exchange between software modules using intra- and interprocess communication it is not limited to these kinds of applications. [1]


MIRA is developed in a cooperation of the MetraLabs GmbH and the Ilmenau University of Technology/Neuroinformatics and Cognitive Robotics Lab. Therefore, MIRA was designed to fulfill the requirements of both commercial and educational purposes.



Screenshot of MIRACenter MiraCenterScreenshot.png
Screenshot of MIRACenter

Robotic Application specific:


MIRA supports and was successfully tested on the following platforms:

Applications using MIRA

MIRA is used within the following applications:

and projects:



classData{intvalue;std::map<std::string,std::list<int>>complex;Foo*ptr;template<typenameReflector>voidreflect(Reflector&r){r.member("Value",value,"an int member");r.member("Complex",complex,"a complex member");r.member("Pointer",ptr,"a pointer pointer");}};

Remote Procedure Calls


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Robotics middleware is middleware to be used in complex robot control software systems.


  1. "MIRA Project Website".
  2. 1 2 Einhorn, Erik; Langner, Tim; Stricker, Ronny; Martin, Christian; Gross, Horst-Michael (2012). "MIRA - middleware for robotic applications". 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. pp. 2591–2598. doi:10.1109/IROS.2012.6385959. ISBN   978-1-4673-1736-8. S2CID   16389868.
  3. "MIRA Documentation - Linux Support".
  4. "MIRA Documentation - Windows Support".
  5. "TU Ilmenau: Konrad-Zuse-Bau eröffnet". Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung .
  6. Stricker, Ronny; et al. (2012). "Konrad and Suse, Two Robots Guiding Visitors in a University Building". Autonomous Mobile Systems 2012. Informatik aktuell. pp. 49–58. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-32217-4_6. ISBN   978-3-642-32216-7. S2CID   18149753.
  7. "Ilmenauer Oberbürgermeister ließ sich von Roboter den Weg zeigen". Thüringer Allgemeine Zeitung.
  8. "Der Markt bietet hohe Potenziale für mobile Robotik". TRIA.
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