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The Moazagotl is an orographic lenticular cloud formed by the Foehn wind on the northern (lee) side of the Giant Mountains in Silesia (Poland, the Czech Republic, and Germany). The name is thought to be derived from the name of a shepherd, Gottlieb Matz, who was known for describing them. [1] The Schneider Moazagotl sailplane is named for this type of cloud. The name has sometimes been misspelled Moazagoatl, but its spelling does not include a third 'a;' the term refers to the cloud, rather than the wind that forms it. [2]

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The Schneider Grunau 7 Moazagotl was a high-performance sailplane designed in Germany in 1933 specifically for fast, long distance flying using strong thermals. In 1937 it came second in the first World Gliding Championships, having previously made a flight of 300 km (186 mi).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Glossary of meteorology</span> List of definitions of terms and concepts commonly used in meteorology

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Maloja Wind</span> Mountain wind in Switzerland

The Maloja Wind is a Foehn-type mountain wind that occurs in the upper Engadin, an alpine valley located in Switzerland. The wind blows up-valley during the nighttime and down-valley during the day, a deviation of the typical direction of mountain and valley winds. The phenomenon is caused by wind from the Val Bregaglia crossing the Maloja Pass and intruding into the Engadin. The Maloja Wind occasionally produces a weather phenomenon known as the Maloja Snake, a low-lying cloud so named for its long, serpentine shape.


  1. "Moazagotl Wolken (Moazagotl clouds)". (in German). Retrieved 27 July 2018.
  2. "Moazagotl". Weather Online. Retrieved April 23, 2020.