Mobile database

Last updated

Mobile computing devices (e.g., smartphones and PDAs) store and share data over a mobile network, or access a database which is actually stored by the mobile device. This could be a list of contacts, price information, distance travelled, or any other information. [1]


Many applications require the ability to download information from an information repository and operate on this information even when out of range or disconnected. An example of this is accessing your contacts and calendar on a mobile phone. In this scenario, a user would require access to update information from files in the home directories on a server or customer records from a database. This type of access and work load generated by such users is different from the traditional workloads seen in client–server systems of today.[ citation needed ]

Mobile databases are not used solely for the revision of company contacts and calendars, but are also utilized in a number of industries.


This is in database theory known as "replication", and good mobile database system should provide tools for automatic replication that takes into account that others may have modified the same data as you while you were away, and not just the last update is kept, but also supports "merge" of variants.


Commercially available mobile databases include those shown on this comparison chart.

NameDeveloperTypeSync CentralSync P2PDescriptionLicense
Couchbase Lite Couchbase JSON Document YesYesEmbedded/portable database, can synchronize with multiple stationary database and/or mobile devices.Apache 2.0 License
GUN (Graph Universe Node) ERA Inc Graph database YesYesEnables offline-first, real-time, and decentralized data synchronization between web browsers and JavaScript runtimes. MIT License, Apache 2.0, zlib License
InterBase Embarcadero Technologies Relational DependentDependentIoT embedded/portable database, can synchronize with multiple stationary database and/or mobile devicesProprietary
Realm MongoDB Inc. Object DatabasedeprecatedNoPortable local database, has a synchronized mode that synchronizes (real-time) with stationary databaseCore Apache 2.0 License, Sync Proprietary
SQL Anywhere Sybase iAnywhere Relational DependentNoEmbedded/portable database, can synchronize with stationary databaseProprietary
DB2 Everyplace IBM RelationalDependentNoPortable, can synchronize with stationary databaseProprietary EULA
SQL Server Compact Microsoft RelationalNoNoSmall-footprint embedded/portable database for Microsoft Windows mobile devices and desktops, supports synchronization with Microsoft SQL Server Proprietary
SQL Server Express Microsoft RelationalNoNoEmbedded database, free downloadProprietary
Oracle Database Lite Oracle Corporation RelationalNoNoPortable, can synchronize with stationary databaseProprietary
SQLite D. Richard Hipp RelationalNoNoC programming libraryPublic domain
SQLBase Gupta Technologies LLC of Redwood Shores, CaliforniaNoNoProprietary
Sparksee Sparsity Technologies Graph Database NoNoGraph database written in C++.Proprietary

See also


  1. Organize your business with a mobile database, Kevin Ebi,, retrieved 14/12/08
  2. The 5 Traits of Great Cloud-Syncing Apps