Monuments of Ecuador

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The national monuments of Ecuador offer unique insights into the country's rich history and culture. [1] Most monuments reflect the country's position on the equator and its tradition of pre-Columbian civilizations, as well as Spanish influence.


Monuments in Ecuador
20061001 - Monumento a la Mitad del Mundo (Vista desde el Sur).jpg Ecuador ingapirca inca ruins.jpg Need Picture
Mitad del Mundo
Mitad del Mundo City, Pichincha
Azogues, Cañar
Arco de la capilla del Rosario
Quito, Pichincha
Palacio Carondelet en la noche.jpg Catedral metropolitana Quito.jpg Guayaquil LaRotonda Bolivar SanMartin.JPG Torre Morisca - Guayaquil.JPG
Palacio de Carondelet
Quito, Pichincha
Metropolitan Cathedral
Quito, Pichincha
La Rotonda
Guayaquil, Guayas
Moorish Clock Tower
Guayaquil, Guayas

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