Most I ryden by Rybbesdale

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Most I ryden by Rybbesdale
Harley ms 2253 f066v.png
Text contains Most I ryden by Rybbesdale, and the start of In a fryht as Y con fare fremede
Writtenlate-13th or early-14th century
Language Middle English

"Most I ryden by Rybbesdale" ('If I were to ride through Ribblesdale'), also titled "The Fair Maid of Ribblesdale", is an anonymous late-13th or early-14th century Middle English lyric poem. [1] The text forms part of the collection known as the Harley Lyrics (MS. Harley 2253, f. 66v). [1]



In this secular lyric the which the speaker lists and describes the various parts of his lady (excepting one) in a literary blason. [1] [2]

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  1. 1 2 3 Fein, ed. 2014.
  2. Millett, ed. 2003.


Further reading