Motor mimicry is a common neurological phenomenon where a person reacts to an event happening to someone else. Examples of motor mimicry include wincing at someone else's injury or ducking when someone else does. Motor mimicry can also have more social and emotional manifestations, like unconsciously matching a peer's posture or speech patterns. [1]
The working definition of motor mimicry is:
1. an action similar to one made by the other person
2. an action one that the other person might make in their situation
3. not what an observer would do simply as an observer
4. not irrelevant or involuntary behaviors
Traditional views on motor mimicry have seen it stemming from empathy, or feeling what someone else is. This theory on motor mimicry matches some resulting behaviors of mimicry, such as when someone is injured or emotionally in distress.
While motor mimicry was seen as a form of sympathy, H. Spencer (1870) called motor mimicry a "presentative" sympathy, the most primitive of the types of sympathy Spence came up with, for being more immediate and reactive. Rather than "representative" sympathy, which would be more conscious and emotional.
More recently, it has been revealed that motor mimicry is more communicative and acts as a nonverbal message between people (Bavelas et al. 1986).
In general, motor mimicry has been observed for more than two centuries, and while it has been dismissed as being "primitive" but has still evaded many theories made about the phenomenon.
In the early 1900s, psychologists started focusing on motor mimicry in infants and young children. In Allport's study on infants, he observed that "the child tends to assume the movements, strains and attitudes of the model." and that "he cannot help doing so".
Later on, Allport concluded that mimicry was a genetic and conceptual way to social learning. However, Allport disagreed with those that thought conditioning was a possible explanation for motor mimicry in children. Rather, he concluded that "this process of empathy remains a riddle in social psychology".
Supporting Allport's argument, Darwin also observed the presence of nonverbal sympathy in his 4-month old son. Darwin noted that his son would smile when he did and by the time he was 6 months old, Darwin's son would assume a "melancholy expression" when his nurse pretended to cry. From this, Darwin anticipated that motor mimicry was a form of nonverbal social communication. [2]
In 1933, Clark Hull was the first person to experiment with motor mimicry and record the results. Hull arranged for an observer to witness another person straining and reaching, and by pinning a clothespin to the observer's clothes and attaching it to a rotary event recorder, Hull was able to trace the movements of the observer. Hull found the even while just watching someone reach for something, the observer made traces of the movements that the subject they were watching did. [2]
Later, O'Toole and Dubin (1968) took Hull's experiment more in depth. In two parallel experiments, O'Toole and Dubin studied observers saying forward while a subject reached for something in front of them, as well as mothers opening their mouths while spoon feeding a baby. [2]
In the first experiment, they found that while having an actor reach forward, observers consistently swayed forwards as well, instead of other directions. However, a large issue in this experiment was that O'Toole and Dubin did not take into account static ataxia, which is the natural forward movement we have even with the individual is attempting to stand perfectly still. Additionally, neither of O'Toole and Dubin's experiments were filmed, leaving us with only an observer's recollection and interpretation of the results.
In the second experiment, they found evidence that the mother only opened her mouth after her baby had, ruling out that the mother was really mimicking the baby and not trying to induce the baby to open their mouths.
It wasn't until 1979 that MacInnis introduced videotaped stimuli. MacInnis found that around 40% of the subjects displayed mimicking movements towards the stimuli they were exposed to. He also recorded the subjects feelings of empathy towards the stimuli. The mimicked movements and feelings of empathy had no relation according to MacInnis. [2]
A large characteristic in interactions between people in social settings is unconscious motor mimicry. Taking on the same posture, head movements, gestures and even speech patterns as the person interacting with us is a universal human characteristic. However, we don't mimic everyone around us all the time. Chartrand & Bargh (1999) showed that people who have higher perspective taking (paying more attention to the people and situation around them with respect to how others points of view) tend to mimic the people around them more than those lower in perspective taking.
When considering social mimicry, how a person feels about, or empathizes with the people around them is a large factor in where someone will mimic those around them. People who care more about those around them and pay more attention to their circumstances are more likely to mimic those around them than those whose attention is focused elsewhere. [3]
Affiliation goals has been shown to increase mimicry. For example, a study done found, "that men mimic a physically attractive woman more when they are trying to express romantic interest". [4]
Maintained eye contact increases mimicry between social partners. A study by Chartrand and Duffy showed that automatic mimicry of hand movements increased when the participants were making continued eye contact. [4]
In general, people in a positive mood have been shown to facilitate mimicry in social settings. [4]
Just as how there are factors that promote mimicry in social situations, there are also factors that inhibit mimicry between people.
People in romantic relationships are less likely to mimic an attractive person than someone who is not in a romantic relationship. Furthermore, people tended to mimic an attractive person even less when they reported more love for their romantic partner. [4]
While most positive mood states increase someones likelihood of mimicking someone, pride is considered a positive mood but has been shown to inhibit mimicry when feeling this emotion. [4]
Mimicry, especially if someone is being mimicked, can help people become more pro-social. People that have recently been mimicked can be more generous and kind to towards other people than non-mimicked people. However, this phenomenon extend beyond the person that is doing the mimicking and it's aftereffects extend to those not directly involved in the mimicking. [1]
In general, being mimicked by someone around you in a social setting changes a person's self-construal, or how they define themselves with regards to others around them. During these experiences, the person being mimicked shifts their self-construal to become more interdependent with those around them and more "other-oriented". [5]
Immediately after being mimicked, those that were mimicked not only changed their opinions of the person they were directly interacting with. Additionally, " interpersonal mimicry heightens one's perception of interpersonal closeness with non-specified others" [6] according to a study on the impact of mimicry on self construal.
However, past the interpersonal closeness gained when mimicked, a study by Ashton et al. showed that the physical proximity of those that were being mimicked and those around them decreased. [6]
Social mimicry has show to have some interesting results. For example, mimicking someone's accent causes the mimicker to view the person they are mimicking as more attractive. Additionally, being mimicked by a salesperson can cause a customer to give higher quality of service ratings. [7]
Children with autism spectrum disorder show impairments in mimicry and imitation, specifically in social settings. Conversely, adults with ASD showed more deficits in facial automatic mimicry, but were able to automatically mimic a human hand more strongly. [4]
People with schizophrenia, even before diagnoses have trouble with both automatic and voluntary imitation. However, "After diagnosis, schizophrenia is associated with negatively biased automatic mimicry." [4]
Research has shown that specifically women with social anxiety disorder tend to mimic less than those with less social anxiety. Furthermore, being mimicked does not have the same positive effects that it would for someone that shows the expected response from being mimicked.
Those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder tend to show more responsiveness and will mimic more when negative emotions like anger, disgust and sadness are show and tend to react less when exposed to positive expressions like happiness and surprise.
The principle of the communicative theory of motor mimicry is that motor mimicry is an interpersonal process and is not a reflection of any internal processes. Instead, the communicative theory reflects that motor mimicry is expressive to the other person in the situation. This theory then indirectly proposes that any mimicry in a social setting is communicative and that showing how you feel through these motions is analogous to verbally communicating those feelings. [8]
The STORM theory claims that mimicry is used as a strategy for people to get others to like them and use it to their advantage. [9] This theory suggests that mimicry is used in this way either intentionally or unintentionally.
The domain-general model is an extension of the ASL theory and suggests that mimicry has no specific use and is obtained through social conditioning. This theory describes mimicry as being learned the same way as general social cues. [9]
Empathy is generally described as the ability to take on another person's perspective, to understand, feel, and possibly share and respond to their experience. There are more definitions of empathy that include but are not limited to social, cognitive, and emotional processes primarily concerned with understanding others. Often times, empathy is considered to be a broad term, and broken down into more specific concepts and types that include cognitive empathy, emotional empathy, somatic empathy, and spiritual empathy.
Self-perception theory (SPT) is an account of attitude formation developed by psychologist Daryl Bem. It asserts that people develop their attitudes by observing their own behavior and concluding what attitudes must have caused it. The theory is counterintuitive in nature, as the conventional wisdom is that attitudes determine behaviors. Furthermore, the theory suggests that people induce attitudes without accessing internal cognition and mood states. The person interprets their own overt behaviors rationally in the same way they attempt to explain others' behaviors.
Actor–observer asymmetry is a bias one makes when forming attributions about the behavior of others or themselves. When people judge their own behavior, they are more likely to attribute their actions to the particular situation rather than their personality also known as a situational attribution. However, when an observer is explaining the behavior of another person, they are more likely to attribute this behavior to the actors' personality rather than situational factors, also known as dispositional attribution. For example, a politician explaining why they voted against war may say it is because the war is not needed. Whereas a person judging why the politician voted in this way may say it is because the politician is too liberal. Showing how the actor explains their behaviour using the situation, but the observer explains their behaviour using the politicians personality.
Sympathy is the perception of, understanding of, and reaction to the distress or need of another life form.
A mirror neuron is a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another. Thus, the neuron "mirrors" the behavior of the other, as though the observer were itself acting. Mirror neurons are not always physiologically distinct from other types of neurons in the brain; their main differentiating factor is their response patterns. By this definition, such neurons have been directly observed in humans and other primates, and in birds.
Emotional contagion is a form of social contagion that involves the spontaneous spread of emotions and related behaviors. Such emotional convergence can happen from one person to another, or in a larger group. Emotions can be shared across individuals in many ways, both implicitly or explicitly. For instance, conscious reasoning, analysis, and imagination have all been found to contribute to the phenomenon. The behaviour has been found in humans, other primates, dogs, and chickens.
Empathy-altruism is a form of altruism based on moral emotions or feelings for others.
Mirroring is the behavior in which one person subconsciously imitates the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another. Mirroring often occurs in social situations, particularly in the company of close friends or family, often going unnoticed by both parties. The concept often affects other individuals' notions about the individual that is exhibiting mirroring behaviors, which can lead to the individual building rapport with others.
The simulation theory of empathy holds that humans anticipate and make sense of the behavior of others by activating mental processes that, if they culminated in action, would produce similar behavior. This includes intentional behavior as well as the expression of emotions. The theory says that children use their own emotions to predict what others will do; we project our own mental states onto others.
Face negotiation theory is a theory conceived by Stella Ting-Toomey in 1985, to understand how people from different cultures manage rapport and disagreements. The theory posited "face", or self-image when communicating with others, as a universal phenomenon that pervades across cultures. In conflicts, one's face is threatened; and thus the person tends to save or restore his or her face. This set of communicative behaviors, according to the theory, is called "facework". Since people frame the situated meaning of "face" and enact "facework" differently from one culture to the next, the theory poses a cross-cultural framework to examine facework negotiation. It is important to note that the definition of face varies depending on the people and their culture and the same can be said for the proficiency of facework. According to Ting-Toomey's theory, most cultural differences can be divided by Eastern and Western cultures, and her theory accounts for these differences.
Empathic concern refers to other-oriented emotions elicited by, and congruent with the perceived welfare of, someone in need. These other-oriented emotions include feelings of tenderness, sympathy, compassion and soft-heartedness.
Interpersonaladaptation theory (IAT) is often referred to as a theory of theories. Several theories have been developed to provide frameworks as explanations of social interactions. After reviewing and examining various communication theories and previous empirical evidence pertaining to interpersonal communication, a need to address ways in which individuals adapt to one another in interactions became apparent. The importance of observing both sides of a dyadic interaction lead to the development of the interpersonal adaptation theory. The theory states, individuals enter interactions with expectations, requirements, and desires, which combined establish an interaction position. Once the interaction begins, the difference between interaction position and the other party's actual behavior determines whether the individual will adapt and continue the communication positively or not.
Limbic resonance is the idea that the capacity for sharing deep emotional states arises from the limbic system of the brain. These states include the dopamine circuit-promoted feelings of empathic harmony, and the norepinephrine circuit-originated emotional states of fear, anxiety and anger.
Relational transgressions occur when people violate implicit or explicit relational rules. These transgressions include a wide variety of behaviors. The boundaries of relational transgressions are permeable. Betrayal for example, is often used as a synonym for a relational transgression. In some instances, betrayal can be defined as a rule violation that is traumatic to a relationship, and in other instances as destructive conflict or reference to infidelity.
Chemical mimicry is a type of biological mimicry involving the use of chemicals to dupe an operator.
In humans, posture can provide a significant amount of important information through nonverbal communication. Psychological studies have also demonstrated the effects of body posture on emotions. This research can be traced back to Charles Darwin's studies of emotion and movement in humans and animals. Currently, many studies have shown that certain patterns of body movements are indicative of specific emotions. Researchers studied sign language and found that even non-sign language users can determine emotions from only hand movements. Another example is the fact that anger is characterized by forward whole body movement. The theories that guide research in this field are the self-validation or perception theory and the embodied emotion theory.
Social cues are verbal or non-verbal signals expressed through the face, body, voice, motion and guide conversations as well as other social interactions by influencing our impressions of and responses to others. These percepts are important communicative tools as they convey important social and contextual information and therefore facilitate social understanding.
Social Mirror Theory (SMT) states that people are not capable of self-reflection without taking into consideration a peer's interpretation of the experience. In other words, people define and resolve their internal musings through other's viewpoint. SMT's background is derived from the 1800s from concepts related to the study of public opinion and social interaction by Wilhelm Dilthey, the German philosopher and sociologist.
Perspective-taking is the act of perceiving a situation or understanding a concept from an alternative point of view, such as that of another individual.
Creepiness is the state of being creepy, or causing an unpleasant feeling of fear or unease to someone and/or something. Certain traits or hobbies may make people seem creepy to others; interest in horror or the macabre might come across as 'creepy', and often people who are perverted or exhibit predatory behavior are called 'creeps'. The internet, especially some functions of social media, has been described as increasingly creepy. Adam Kotsko has compared the modern conception of creepiness to the Freudian concept of unheimlich. The term has also been used to describe paranormal or supernatural phenomena some people have phobias which are an irrational fear which can make them see something as creepy.