Moufang plane

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In geometry, a Moufang plane, named for Ruth Moufang, is a type of projective plane, more specifically a special type of translation plane. A translation plane is a projective plane that has a translation line, that is, a line with the property that the group of automorphisms that fixes every point of the line acts transitively on the points of the plane not on the line. [1] A translation plane is Moufang if every line of the plane is a translation line. [2]



A Moufang plane can also be described as a projective plane in which the little Desargues theorem holds. [3] This theorem states that a restricted form of Desargues' theorem holds for every line in the plane. [4] For example, every Desarguesian plane is a Moufang plane. [5]

In algebraic terms, a projective plane over any alternative division ring is a Moufang plane, [6] and this gives a 1:1 correspondence between isomorphism classes of alternative division rings and of Moufang planes.

As a consequence of the algebraic Artin–Zorn theorem, that every finite alternative division ring is a field, every finite Moufang plane is Desarguesian, but some infinite Moufang planes are non-Desarguesian planes. In particular, the Cayley plane, an infinite Moufang projective plane over the octonions, is one of these because the octonions do not form a division ring. [7]


The following conditions on a projective plane P are equivalent: [8]

Also, in a Moufang plane:

See also


  1. That is, the group acts transitively on the affine plane formed by removing this line and all its points from the projective plane.
  2. Hughes & Piper 1973 , p. 101
  3. Pickert 1975 , p. 186
  4. This restricted version states that if two triangles are perspective from a point on a given line, and two pairs of corresponding sides also meet on this line, then the third pair of corresponding sides meet on the line as well.
  5. Hughes & Piper 1973 , p. 153
  6. Hughes & Piper 1973 , p. 139
  7. Weibel, Charles (2007), "Survey of Non-Desarguesian Planes", Notices of the AMS, 54 (10): 1294–1303
  8. H. Klein Moufang planes
  9. Stevenson 1972 , p. 392 Stevenson refers to Moufang planes as alternative planes.
  10. If transitive is replaced by sharply transitive, the plane is pappian.

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