Multi-party fair exchange protocol

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In cryptography, a multi-party fair exchange protocol is protocol where parties accept to deliver an item if and only if they receive an item in return. [1]



Matthew K. Franklin and Gene Tsudik suggested in 1998 [2] the following classification:

See also

Secure multi-party computation

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  1. Mukhamedov, Aybek; Kremer, Steve; Ritter, Eike. "Analysis of a Multi-Party Fair Exchange Protocol and Formal Proof of Correctness in the Strand Space model". Financial Crypto. 2005.
  2. Franklin, Matthew K.; Tsudik, Gene (1998). "Secure group barter: Multi-party fair exchange with semi-trusted neutral parties". Financial Cryptography. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 1465. pp. 90–102. doi:10.1007/BFb0055475. ISBN   978-3-540-64951-9.