Multicover bifiltration

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The 2- and 3-fold covers of 7 points in the plane with respect to a particular scale parameter. Example of the Multicover Bifiltration.webp
The 2- and 3-fold covers of 7 points in the plane with respect to a particular scale parameter.

The multicover bifiltration is a two-parameter sequence of nested topological spaces derived from the covering of a finite set in a metric space by growing metric balls. It is a multidimensional extension of the offset filtration that captures density information about the underlying data set by filtering the points of the offsets at each index according to how many balls cover each point. [1] The multicover bifiltration has been an object of study within multidimensional persistent homology and topological data analysis. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]



Following the notation of Corbet et al. (2022), given a finite set , the multicover bifiltration on is a two-parameter filtration indexed by defined index-wise as , where denotes the non-negative integers. [8] Note that when is fixed we recover the Offset Filtration.


The multicover bifiltration admits a topologically equivalent polytopal model of polynomial size, called the "rhomboid bifiltration." [8] The rhomboid bifiltration is an extension of the rhomboid tiling introduced by Edelsbrunner and Osang in 2021 for computing the persistent homology of the multicover bifiltration along one axis of the indexing set. [2] The rhomboid bifiltration on a set of points in a Euclidean space can be computed in polynomial time. [8]

An example of the rhomboid tiling on a set of five points. Rhomboid Tiling.webp
An example of the rhomboid tiling on a set of five points.

The multicover bifiltration is also topologically equivalent to a multicover nerve construction due to Sheehy called the subdivision-Čech bifiltration, which considers the barycentric subdivision on the nerve of the offsets. [9] In particular, the subdivision-Čech and multicover bifiltrations are weakly equivalent, and hence have isomorphic homology modules in all dimensions. [4] However, the subdivision-Čech bifiltration has an exponential number of simplices in the size of the data set, and hence is not amenable to efficient direct computations. [8]

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In persistent homology, a persistent homology group is a multiscale analog of a homology group that captures information about the evolution of topological features across a filtration of spaces. While the ordinary homology group represents nontrivial homology classes of an individual topological space, the persistent homology group tracks only those classes that remain nontrivial across multiple parameters in the underlying filtration. Analogous to the ordinary Betti number, the ranks of the persistent homology groups are known as the persistent Betti numbers. Persistent homology groups were first introduced by Herbert Edelsbrunner, David Letscher, and Afra Zomorodian in a 2002 paper Topological Persistence and Simplification, one of the foundational papers in the fields of persistent homology and topological data analysis, based largely on the persistence barcodes and the persistence algorithm, that were first described by Serguei Barannikov in the 1994 paper. Since then, the study of persistent homology groups has led to applications in data science, machine learning, materials science, biology, and economics.

In topological data analysis, a persistence barcode, sometimes shortened to barcode, is an algebraic invariant associated with a filtered chain complex or a persistence module that characterizes the stability of topological features throughout a growing family of spaces. Formally, a persistence barcode consists of a multiset of intervals in the extended real line, where the length of each interval corresponds to the lifetime of a topological feature in a filtration, usually built on a point cloud, a graph, a function, or, more generally, a simplicial complex or a chain complex. Generally, longer intervals in a barcode correspond to more robust features, whereas shorter intervals are more likely to be noise in the data. A persistence barcode is a complete invariant that captures all the topological information in a filtration. In algebraic topology, the persistence barcodes were first introduced by Sergey Barannikov in 1994 as the "canonical forms" invariants consisting of a multiset of line segments with ends on two parallel lines, and later, in geometry processing, by Gunnar Carlsson et al. in 2004.

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  1. Botnan, Magnus Bakke; Lesnick, Michael (2022). "An Introduction to Multiparameter Persistence". p. 26. arXiv: 2203.14289 [math.AT].
  2. 1 2 Edelsbrunner, Herbert; Osang, Georg (2021). "The Multi-Cover Persistence of Euclidean Balls". Discrete & Computational Geometry. 65 (4): 1296–1313. doi:10.1007/s00454-021-00281-9. ISSN   0179-5376. PMC   8550220 . PMID   34720303.
  3. Corbet, René; Kerber, Michael; Lesnick, Michael; Osang, Georg (2023-02-20). "Computing the Multicover Bifiltration". Discrete & Computational Geometry. arXiv: 2103.07823 . doi:10.1007/s00454-022-00476-8. ISSN   0179-5376.
  4. 1 2 Blumberg, Andrew J.; Lesnick, Michael (2022-10-17). "Stability of 2-Parameter Persistent Homology". Foundations of Computational Mathematics. arXiv: 2010.09628 . doi:10.1007/s10208-022-09576-6. ISSN   1615-3375. S2CID   224705357.
  5. Botnan, Magnus B.; Hirsch, Christian (2022-12-22). "On the consistency and asymptotic normality of multiparameter persistent Betti numbers". Journal of Applied and Computational Topology. arXiv: 2109.05513 . doi:10.1007/s41468-022-00110-9. ISSN   2367-1726. S2CID   237491663.
  6. Kerber, Michael (2022-07-29). "Multi-Parameter Persistent Homology is Practical (Extended Abstract)".{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  7. Corbet, Rene (2020). "Improvements to the Pipeline of Multiparameter Persistence".{{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  8. 1 2 3 4 Corbet, René; Kerber, Michael; Lesnick, Michael; Osang, Georg (2023-02-20). "Computing the Multicover Bifiltration". Discrete & Computational Geometry. arXiv: 2103.07823 . doi:10.1007/s00454-022-00476-8. ISSN   0179-5376.
  9. D. R. Sheehy, “A multicover nerve for geometric inference,” in CCCG: Canadian conference in computational geometry, 2012.