Mummification is a form of bondage in which a person is wrapped in some form of wrap in order to restrict them on movement. [1] Different forms of wrap include duct tape, cohesive wrap, plastic wrap, [2] medical bandages and blankets. [3] It is part of Bondage (BDSM), and can be related to sexual or therapeutic play. [4] Commonly, the person being mummified is completely wrapped head to toe with just their nose being left open for breathing in a form of wrap. [5] The person who mummifies the person is called the Dominant, or Dom for short and the person being mummified is called the sub, or submissive. [6]
In some cases, a person will wrap themselves, typically just their legs in a form of wrap. This is called self-bondage mummification. Some will use plastic wrap to wrap their legs and may fasten it to something so they can wrap around their entire body. [7]
When a person is mummified by a Dom, typically more is wrapped more than just their legs. Normally, the Dom will wrap their chest and arms together and normally even their head, typically leaving their nose open or other areas of the body open. [5] But some forms of wrap will allow everything to be wrapped, such as cohesive bandage, which is very easy to breath through for most individuals. [8] Some may also use a Sleepsack (BDSM) for mummification. [9]