Mustapha Bouchelaghem

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In 1732, Spain invaded Oran and Mers el Kébir. After defeating the Algerian fleets protecting the city, they set foot on the shores of the city, and after a brutal siege, they captured Oran. [15]


The mausoleum of Bey Bouchelaghem and his wife. LellaAychouche.png
The mausoleum of Bey Bouchelaghem and his wife.

Bey Bouchelaghem retreated to Mostaganem, and became depressed after the losing the city. He died in 1734 or 1737 (sources conflict). He was succeeded by his brother. [4] He was Bey of Oran for 51 years, the longest reigning Bey. He is buried in his own mausoleum.

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Mustapha Bouchelaghem
مصطفى أبو الشلاغم
Bey of the Western Beylik
In office