NYC Busker Ball

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NYC Busker Ball is an event conceived and organized by busker, musician and artist Theo Eastwind, an active subway performer. His first NYC Busker Ball, which took place on January 23, 2013, was staged at a nightclub called Spike Hill in Brooklyn, NY, and was organized as a charity event to raise money to be donated to the American Red Cross to assist in their effort to aid those suffering in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy.

Eastwind issued a call to action to other street performers he knew at the time to join him and be part of the benefit that night. This first NYC Busker Ball was very well attended by members of the local community. He and the others entertained those in attendance for over five hours with their music. The proceeds from their performances were then donated as planned to the relief effort.

After the successful reception of the initial event a decision was made to continue the NYC Busker Ball series on a quarterly basis. Artists who are featured at these concerts still consist of entertainers who utilize public spaces as their stage. The concept has now spread to other cities around the world and they are usually hosted by other local buskers and street performers in the venue's surrounding area.

A portion of the proceeds from the NYC Busker Ball now go toward educating other musicians in the art of busking, especially about the protection provided by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution such as the freedom of speech, right of assembly, and freedom of association, and how that relates to the ability of an artist to perform on publicly owned property.

List of Events

Date of the eventNamePerformers
January 23, 2013NYC Busker Ball IGillen & Turk, Natalia Paruz a.k.a. the 'Saw Lady', Yaz Band, Mountain Animation, The Meetles, Gabriel Royal, Theo Eastwind.
April 25, 2013NYC Busker Ball IIKen Ruan, The Lions, Jesse Cohen, Gillen & Turk, Mountain Animation, Theo Eastwind.
July 24, 2013NYC Busker Ball IIIColor Collage, Eli Bridges, Jesse Cohen, Theo Eastwind, Mountain Animation, Gabriel Royal.
October 30, 2013NYC Busker Ball IVArthur Medrano, Ken Ruan, Theo Eastwind, Mountain Animation, Eli Bridges, Jesse Cohen.
January 23, 2014NYC Busker Ball VRobert Leslie, Supremo Massive, Mount Moon, Theo Eastwind, Blueberry Season, Gabriel Royal.
April 24, 2014NYC Busker Ball VILuke Ryan, Milk Mother, Theo Eastwind, Mountain Animation, Robert Leslie, Street Meat (from Canada).
July 24, 2014NYC Busker Ball VIIKen Ruan, Emore Saylavee, Theo Eastwind, Cathy Grier, Gabriel Royal, Mr. Reed.
October 30, 2014NYC Busker Ball VIIIHeidi Kole, Grace Kalambay, Theo Eastwind, Eli Bridges, Kathy Russo, The Blue Vipers of Brooklyn.
April 3, 2015NYC Busker Ball IXCaeser Passée, Robert Leslie, The Good Morning Nags, House Of Waters, Bandits On The Run, Eli Bridges, Andrew Kalleen
July 3, 2015NYC Busker Ball XStories For Days, ParallelAktion + MC Juda, Robert Leslie, Theo Eastwind, Gabriel Royal, Good Morning Nags, Eli Bridges
October 2, 2015NYC Busker Ball XIChris Zurich, Theo Eastwind, Nicola, Meca Bodega, Jadon & Friends, Cameron Orr, Eli Bridges & Friends
July 15th, 2016NYC Busker Ball XIIMalang Jabarthe, Andrew Kalleen, Theo Eastwind, Gabriel Royal, Jahstix, Zack Orion, BuskNY, Eli and friends
April 23, 2022NYC Busker Ball XIIIEli Bridges,PINC LOUDS,Rachel Haymer, Robert Leslie,Morgan o’Kane,The Saw lady ,Gabriel Mayers ,Malang Jobarthe, Sean Carey, Peter Chinman
July 4th, 2022NYC Busker Ball XIV at South street SeaportGrace Kalambay, Gabriel Mayers, Robert Leslie, Pinc Louds & special guests and vendors
April 22, 2023NYC Busker Ball XVJustin Sight, Rachel Haymer, Anthony Carerra, Coup de Grace, Kanami, Eli Bridges, Robert Leslie, Gabe Mayers, Triad Brass
July 14, 2024NYC Busker Ball XVISamatha pearl, Gabe Aldort, Rob Mastriani, Justin sight, Robert Leslie. Daniel Simonsen, Erik Jacobson
