National team appearances in the World Women's Handball Championship

Last updated

This article lists the performances of each of the 50 national teams which have made at least one appearance in the IHF World Women's Handball Championship finals.


Debut of teams

Each successive World Women's Handball Championship has had at least one team appearing for the first time. Teams in parentheses are considered successor teams by IHF.

1957 Flag of Austria.svg  Austria, Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia, Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark, Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary, Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland, Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania, Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden, Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany, Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 9
1962 Flag of Japan (1870-1999).svg  Japan, Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 2
1965 0
1971 Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany, Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands, Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 3
1973 0
1975 Flag of Tunisia (1959-1999).svg  Tunisia, Flag of the United States.svg  United States 2
1978 Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria, Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada, Flag of South Korea (1949-1984).svg  South Korea 3
1982 Flag of Bulgaria (1971-1990).svg  Bulgaria, Flag of the People's Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo 2
1986 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China, Flag of France.svg  France 2
1990 Flag of Angola.svg  Angola 1
1993 (Flag of Germany.svg  Germany), Flag of Lithuania (1988-2004).svg  Lithuania, (Flag of Russia (1991-1993).svg  Russia), Flag of Spain.svg  Spain 4
1995 Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil, Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia, (Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic), Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast, Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia, Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 6
1997 Flag of Belarus (1995-2012).svg  Belarus, Flag of North Macedonia.svg  Macedonia, Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia, Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay, Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan 5
1999 Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina, Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia, Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba 3
2001 Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland, Flag of Italy.svg  Italy, (Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro)3
2003 0
2005 0
2007 Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic, Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan, Flag of Paraguay (1990-2013).svg  Paraguay 3
2009 Flag of Chile.svg  Chile, Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand 2
2011 Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland, (Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro)2
2013 Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  DR Congo, (Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia)2
2015 Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico 1
2017 0
2019 Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal 1
2021 Flag of Iran.svg  Iran 1
2023 0
2025 Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt 1

Participation details


For each tournament, the number of teams in each finals tournament (in brackets) are shown.

Team Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg
Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg
Flag of Germany.svg
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Hungary.svg
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Flag of South Korea (1984-1997).svg
Flag of Norway.svg
Flag of Austria.svg
Flag of Hungary.svg
Flag of Germany.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of Norway.svg
Flag of Italy.svg
Flag of Croatia.svg
Flag of Russia.svg
Flag of France.svg
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
Flag of Brazil.svg
Flag of Serbia.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of Germany.svg
Flag of Japan.svg
Flag of Spain.svg
Flag of Denmark.svg
Flag of Norway.svg
Flag of Sweden.svg
Flag of Germany.svg
Flag of the Netherlands.svg
Flag of Hungary.svg
Flag of Spain.svg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Poland.svg
Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria Flag of France.svg France××××10th19th×××22nd×3
Flag of Angola.svg  Angola Part of Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal ××16th16th13th15th15th13th17th16th7th11th8th16th16th19th15th25th15thQ18
Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina ×××××24th22nd20th20th19th23rd19th18th23rd16th21st20thQ13
Flag of Australia (converted).svg  Australia ×××××23rd23rd24th24th24th24th24th×24th××8
Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 6th×××12th5th8th8th11th3rd7th11th13th16th10th16th19th14
Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus Part of Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 16th14th××2
Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil ×××××17th23rd16th12th20th7th14th15th5th1st10th18th17th6th9thQ16
Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria ×××10th12th×2
Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon FRA××××××××22nd20th28th24th4
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada ×××××10th15th17th20th×4
Flag of Chile.svg  Chile ×××××23rd27th2
Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China ×××××××9th8th14th13th22nd18th11th19th17th21st12th21st18th17th22nd23rd32nd28th18
Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Congo FRA××××××12th••22nd22nd17th20th23rd26th7
Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 10th6th14th11th9th7th18th14th8
Flag of Cuba.svg  Cuba ×××××21st22nd23rd21st×4
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic See Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 13th13th19th15th15th8th19th8thQ9
Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  DR Congo BEL×××××××××××××20th24th20th3
Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark 5th2nd5th6th7th9th10th2nd3rd1st6th4th13th4th5th4th3rd6th6th9th3rd3rdQ23
Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic ×××××22nd23rd××2
Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt ×××××××××××××××××Q1
Flag of France.svg  France ×××××15th14th10th2nd5th1st12th5th2nd2nd6th7th1st13th2nd1stQ17
Flag of Germany.svg  Germany
(including West Germany)
Flag of Greenland.svg  Greenland ×××××24th32nd2
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary 2nd5th1st3rd4th3rd3rd2nd8th7th2nd9th5th6th2nd3rd8th9th8th11th15th14th10th10thQQ26
Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland ×××12th25th2
Flag of Iran.svg  Iran ×××××××××××××××31st31stQ3
Flag of Italy.svg  Italy ×××××16th1
Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast ××××××17th14th20th21st21st18th16th×××7
Flag of Japan.svg  Japan ×9th7th9th10th10th14th13th17th17th20th16th18th19th16th14th14th19th16th10th11th17thQ22
Flag of Kazakhstan.svg  Kazakhstan Part of Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union ××ו•×18th22nd19th22nd22nd24th30thQ8
Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania Part of Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 13th×1
Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro 10th11th8th6th5th22nd7th7
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands ××8th12th9th10th10th14th5th15th13th2nd3rd1st9th5thQ15
Flag of North Macedonia.svg  North Macedonia Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 7th8th21st15th12th5
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway ××7th8th8th7th3rd6th3rd4th2nd1st2nd6th9th2nd3rd1st5th1st2nd4th1st2ndQ23
Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay ×××××23rd21st21st29th29th5
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 7th7th8th5th7th6th13th9th10th8th11th19th11th4th4th17th15th16thQ19
Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico ×××××20th20th×2
Flag of Romania.svg  Romania 9th1st6th4th2nd4th7th8th5th7th4th7th12th4th17th10th2nd4th8th13th10th3rd10th12th13th12th26
Flag of Russia.svg  Russia See Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 5th6th4th12th1st7th1st1st1st6th5th5th3rd8th××14 [A]
Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal FRA××××××××××××××18th18thQ3
Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia See Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro 2nd15th9th6th12th21st6
Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia Part of Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 12th26th2
Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 18th9th8th14th14th19th17th11th8
Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea ×××××10th6th11th11th11th1st5th9th15th3rd8th6th6th11th12th14th13th11th14th22ndQ21
Flag of Spain.svg  Spain ×××××15th10th5th10th4th3rd9th12th11th2nd4th13thQ13
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden 8th×13th6th11th8th13th9th9th4th7th5th4th12
Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand ××××××××××××××××××21st××××××1
Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia ×××××12th××19th18th15th14th18th17th21st24th27thQ11
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine Part of Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union 9th13th18th4th10th13th17th23rd8
Flag of the United States.svg  United States ×××××11th11th16th12th17thQQ7
Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay ×××××24th23rd24th23rd20thQ6
Flag of Uzbekistan.svg  Uzbekistan Part of Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union ××21st×××××30th×2
Discontinued teams
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia 1st3rd4th6th6th4th5th2nd9thSee Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 9
Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany ×1st9th1st1st4th4th3rdSee Flag of Germany.svg  Germany 7
Flag of Yugoslavia (1992-2003); Flag of Serbia and Montenegro (2003-2006).svg  Serbia and Montenegro Part of Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 3rd9thSee Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 2
Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union ×6th×3rd2nd2nd1st1st1stSee Flag of Russia.svg  Russia 7
Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia 3rd4th2nd2nd1st5th5th3rd6th2ndSee Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia 10

Results of host nations

YearHost NationFinish
1957 Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia Third place
1962 Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania Champions
1965 Flag of Germany.svg  West Germany Third place
1971 Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Eighth place
1973 Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia Champions
1975 Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Runners-up
1978 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Fourth place
1982 Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Runners-up
1986 Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Tenth place
1990 Flag of South Korea (1949-1984).svg  South Korea Eleventh place
1993 Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Third place
1995 Flag of Austria.svg  Austria Eighth place
Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Runners-up
1997 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Third place
1999 Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Sixth place
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Champions
2001 Flag of Italy.svg  Italy Sixteenth place
2003 Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia Fourteenth place
2005 Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Champions
2007 Flag of France.svg  France Fifth place
2009 Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China Twelfth place
2011 Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Fifth place
2013 Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia Runners-up
2015 Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Sixth place
2017 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Twelfth place
2019 Flag of Japan.svg  Japan Tenth place
2021 Flag of Spain.svg  Spain Fourth place
2023 Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Third place
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Runners-up
Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden Fourth place
2025 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany TBD
Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands TBD
2027 Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary TBD
2029 Flag of Spain.svg  Spain TBD
2031 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic TBD
Flag of Poland.svg  Poland TBD

Results of defending champions

YearDefending championsFinish
1962 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechoslovakia Third place
1965 Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania Sixth place
1971 Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary Third place
1973 Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany Ninth place
1975 Flag of Yugoslavia (1946-1992).svg  Yugoslavia Fifth place
1978 Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany Champions
1982 Flag of East Germany.svg  East Germany Fourth place
1986 Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Champions
1990 Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union Champions
1993 Flag of Russia (1991-1993).svg  Russia Fifth place
1995 Flag of Germany.svg  Germany Fifth place
1997 Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea Fifth place
1999 Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark Sixth place
2001 Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Runners-up
2003 Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Seventh place
2005 Flag of France.svg  France Twelfth place
2007 Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Champions
2009 Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Champions
2011 Flag of Russia.svg  Russia Sixth place
2013 Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Fifth place
2015 Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil Tenth place
2017 Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Runners-up
2019 Flag of France.svg  France Thirteenth place
2021 Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands Ninth place
2023 Flag of Norway.svg  Norway Runners-up
2025 Flag of France.svg  France TBD


  1. Russia's total includes one appearance as Russian Handball Federation in 2021.

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This article lists the performances of each of the 22 national teams which have made at least one appearance in the IHF World Men's Outdoor Handball Championship finals.

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