Nicholas Crowson

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Nicholas Julian Crowson, FRHistS, is an academic historian. He is Professor of Contemporary British History at the University of Birmingham.



Crowson completed his Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and doctoral studies at the University of Southampton, which awarded him a Doctor of Philosophy degree (PhD) in 1994. Between 1994 and 1996, he was a fellow in the Department of Politics at Queen's University Belfast. For the 1996–97 academic year, he was Director of Research at the Institute of Contemporary British History in the University of London. This was followed by an appointment at the Department of History in the University of Birmingham, where, as of 2017, he is a professor of Contemporary British History. He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. [1]


Crowson's research has focused on the history of the Conservative Party, especially with regard to foreign policy and appeasement. More recently, his researched has focused on homelessness and vagrancy in modern Britain and the history of modern British charities and non-government organisations.

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  1. "Professor Nicholas Crowson", University of Birmingham. Retrieved 13 August 2017.