Normal order of an arithmetic function

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In number theory, a normal order of an arithmetic function is some simpler or better-understood function which "usually" takes the same or closely approximate values.

Number theory branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers

Number theory is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers. German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777–1855) said, "Mathematics is the queen of the sciences—and number theory is the queen of mathematics." Number theorists study prime numbers as well as the properties of objects made out of integers or defined as generalizations of the integers.


Let f be a function on the natural numbers. We say that g is a normal order of f if for every ε > 0, the inequalities

Natural number A kind of number, used for counting

In mathematics, the natural numbers are those used for counting and ordering. In common mathematical terminology, words colloquially used for counting are "cardinal numbers" and words connected to ordering represent "ordinal numbers". The natural numbers can, at times, appear as a convenient set of codes ; that is, as what linguists call nominal numbers, foregoing many or all of the properties of being a number in a mathematical sense.

hold for almost all n: that is, if the proportion of nx for which this does not hold tends to 0 as x tends to infinity.

In mathematics, the term "almost all" means "all but a negligible amount". More precisely, if X is a set, "almost all elements of X" means "all elements of X but those in a negligible subset of X". The meaning of "negligible" depends on the mathematical context; for instance, it can mean finite, countable, or null.

It is conventional to assume that the approximating function g is continuous and monotone.

In mathematics, a continuous function is a function for which sufficiently small changes in the input result in arbitrarily small changes in the output. Otherwise, a function is said to be a discontinuous function. A continuous function with a continuous inverse function is called a homeomorphism.

Monotonic function function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order

In mathematics, a monotonic function is a function between ordered sets that preserves or reverses the given order. This concept first arose in calculus, and was later generalized to the more abstract setting of order theory.


In mathematics, the Hardy–Ramanujan theorem, proved by G. H. Hardy and Srinivasa Ramanujan (1917), states that the normal order of the number ω(n) of distinct prime factors of a number n is log(log ).

In mathematics, the multiplicity of a member of a multiset is the number of times it appears in the multiset. For example, the number of times a given polynomial equation has a root at a given point is the multiplicity of that root.

See also

In number theory, an average order of an arithmetic function is some simpler or better-understood function which takes the same values "on average".

Divisor function

In mathematics, and specifically in number theory, a divisor function is an arithmetic function related to the divisors of an integer. When referred to as the divisor function, it counts the number of divisors of an integer. It appears in a number of remarkable identities, including relationships on the Riemann zeta function and the Eisenstein series of modular forms. Divisor functions were studied by Ramanujan, who gave a number of important congruences and identities; these are treated separately in the article Ramanujan's sum.

In mathematics, in number theory, the extremal orders of an arithmetic function are best possible bounds of the given arithmetic function. Specifically, if f(n) is an arithmetic function and m(n) is a non-decreasing function that is ultimately positive and

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The purpose of this page is to catalog new, interesting, and useful identities related to number-theoretic divisor sums, i.e., sums of an arithmetic function over the divisors of a natural number , or equivalently the Dirichlet convolution of an arithmetic function with one:
