Nova Scotia Voice of Women

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The Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace (NSVOW) is an active branch of the Canadian Voice of Women for Peace (VOW). Established in 1960, VOW is a local, national and international feminist Non Governmental Organization (NGO) composed of diverse women with consultative status at the United Nations Economic & Social Council (ECOSOC). For almost 50 years, VOW has advocated a world without war. The organization's mandate is to "provide a means for women to promote world peace and justice, through education of themselves and others to take an equal part in the democratic process of decision making; and to cooperate with women throughout the world to create the mutual respect and understanding necessary for the peaceful resolution of international conflict." [1]



The Canadian Voice of Women began in 1960 as a popular social movement opposed to nuclear weapons. [2] Muriel Duckworth and Peggy Hope-Simpson were among the founding members of the Nova Scotia Chapter. [3] Because of concerns raised by the Cold War, the time was ripe for ordinary women to become politically active. As Muriel herself explains it:

The Voice of Women grew out of fear of nuclear testing in the 1950s. Around the country, there were already women on the verge of organizing a women's peace group and when it happened, women poured into the membership, because it was such a dangerous time. The women who had come here as war brides were just beside themselves because they couldn't bear the thought of another war. [4]

Current activities

Among other activities, NSVOW holds a monthly vigil in Halifax, Canada, and co-hosts an annual Peace Day at the World Peace Pavilion in Dartmouth, NS, Canada on August 6, to commemorate the tragedy in Hiroshima. Their current campaign includes encouraging Nova Scotia municipalities to join Mayors For Peace.

See also

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  1. "About the Nova Scotia Voice of Women" . Retrieved April 26, 2015.
  2. CBC Online History of the People - Cold War - Voice of Women
  3. Kerans, Marion. "Muriel Duckworth: the Peace Movement's Best Friend" in Peace Magazine, Oct/Nov 1988, pg. 8
  4. "Fraser, Sharon. "Muriel: In her own words",, March 8th, 2004". Archived from the original on 2006-03-10. Retrieved 2008-08-31.