![]() Regimental flag of the Janissary Odjak of Algiers | |
Date | June to September 1659 [1] : 163 |
Location | Regency of Algiers |
Organized by | Algerians taïfa of raïs Odjak of Algiers |
Outcome |
The Revolution of the Odjak, also known as the Aghas Revolution [3] or the Revolution of 1659 was an important military revolution that changed the essential bases of the government of the Ottoman Regency of Algiers, [4] as well as its relations with the imperial centre in Istanbul. Taking place during a period of transformation of the Ottoman Empire, and lasting from June to September 1659, it was largely viewed as a result of the loss of the importance that the Regency previously had for Constantinople back in the 16th century; decades of marginalization demonstrated through the appointment of incompetent governors and diverging interests regarding relations with European powers, [5] made both the Barbary corsairs and the janissaries of Algiers less inclined to commit themselves to the Ottoman cause. [6] This culminated in the rise of the janissary Odjak corps as the most prominent faction of the Ottoman Algerian political elite. [7]
At the end of Pasha Ibrahim's reign as the Ottoman governor (1656–1659), a massive uprising arose against him, led by the corsair captains and Odjak soldiers. As for the raïs, they revolted because Pasha Ibrahim had deprived them of the sums of money allocated to them by the Ottoman Empire as compensation for their losses in the Adriatic. [2] And his payment of bribes to the statesmen in Constantinople to keep him in office. For this reason, the corsairs attacked his palace, arrested him, and imprisoned him. The Odjak soldiers were constantly trying to seize opportunities to assume power, and they found in this incident an opportunity for them, so they carried out a sudden coup against the pasha. [8] The janissaries effectively eliminated the authority of the pasha, whose position became only ceremonial, [9] and agreed to assign executive authority to the Diwân of Algiers headed by the commander-in-chief of the Algerian Odjak, Khalil Agha. [1] : 207
The Corsair Barbarossa brothers Oruç and Hayreddin had placed the Regency under the protection of the Porte, and had requested and obtained the title of pasha. In the early period of the regency, the pashas were chosen from among the most illustrious sailors, because the Algerian fleet often lent powerful assistance to the Ottoman navy in its struggles against the European powers. But after the battle of Lepanto, the weakened Porte, absorbed by the preoccupation of more serious and more neighboring interests, no longer took the same care in the choice of the governors of Algiers. Obscure favorites, or greedy officials who bought their nomination by corrupting the main officers of the "Grand lord", were often invested; As soon as they arrived, they rushed to make their fortune, drawing on all sources of income. The militia, accustomed to obeying illustrious leaders, whom it loved, wasted no time in showing a spirit of independence and revolt towards these unworthy successors of Hayreddin, Hassan-Pasha, Salah reis and Sinan-Pacha. On more than one occasion, the Agha of the militia put himself in opposition to the governor sent by the Porte, and led the Diwan to take resolutions entirely contrary to the orders received from Constantinople. Thus, several pashas were fired, others were killed. [10]
The Alawite Emirate emerged under the leadership of Sharif ibn Ali and his son Moulay Mohammed amidst the disturbances that plagued the farthest regions of Morocco during the first half of the seventeenth century. The latter set out from Tafilalt in the south, expanding northeastward to the Moulouya river. [11] : 385 In 1653, his forces crossed this mentioned valley towards Oujda, which was until then under the control of the regency of Algiers. [12] Moulay Mohammed took over Oujda after he launched an attack on the tribes that had refused to submit to his authority. Extending his conquest to the outskirts of Tlemcen, its residents attempted to resist him, but he defeated them and forced them to seek refuge behind the city walls. He then continued his campaign, laden with spoils. [11] : 386 Moulay Mohammed spent the winter in Oujda, and in the following year, he launched another campaign into the western provinces of the regency. He plundered everything along his path with little opposition until he reached Laghouat. [13] : 21
Mahram Pasha, the governor of Algiers, led by his advisor, prepared to confront the Alawite prince, but they failed to locate him because he had moved southward, returning to Oujda and then to Sijilmasa. [14] Moulay Mohammed's invasion had sparked serious disturbances in the western provinces, leading to a rebellion in Tlemcen. Several tribes refused to pay taxes either because their properties and livestock had been looted, prompting them to declare their disobedience. [13] Meanwhile, the Turkish garrison managed to suppress the uprising in Tlemcen. [14] : 176 [11] : 386–390 However, their efforts yielded only minimal tax revenues from the western provinces. [15]
In 1654, a devastating plague outbreak spread throughout Algiers, lasting for approximately three years. Its impact was catastrophic, claiming the lives of thousands of Christian slaves and about three-quarters of the city's population. [16] This epidemic led to a significant economic slowdown due to the deaths of a considerable number of merchants and craftsmen in the city, or their escape to rural areas to avoid infection. Furthermore, commercial ships that used to visit Algiers no longer returned, and the rais dared not venture out of the harbor. [16] : 378
To compensate for the declining revenues resulting from the reduced economic activities and the loss on the treasury, Mahram Pasha increased taxes on the remaining activities and inflated the state's income from customs duties, which surged during a similar period due to the rising death toll. However, this equation did not hold for long. Within the second year of the epidemic's appearance, the financial crisis escalated to an unmanageable extent. The problem weighed heavily on the shoulders of Ahmed Pasha, who succeeded Mahram Pasha in July 1655. Due to the worsening financial situation, he ended up in prison after seven months of rule. His successor, Ibrahim Pasha, was not more fortunate, as he was imprisoned in May 1656, just three months after taking office, due to his inability to pay the Odjak salaries. [17] : 204
Neither of these governors could rely solely on piracy and maritime raids to banance their budgets, since these had also diminished during their tenure due to significant losses suffered by the Algerian fleet, such as the events that occurred in the autumn of 1655 during the Cretan War and European anti-piracy efforts. [1] The Dutch admirals, especially Michiel de Ruyter, chased the rais ships, and the latter decided to confront them near the Strait of Gibraltar. The Dutch admiral managed to capture twelve Algerian ships, some of which he commandeered. Furthermore, he pursued others and forced some to seek refuge on the Moroccan coast of the Mediterranean. [18] In the same year, the Algerians lost seven ships in a battle on the Aegean sea against a fleet that included the Venetians. [15] : 248
All of these factors led to the creation of a suffocating crisis, more severe than ever before. Ibrahim Pasha exhausted all means to gather funds in devious ways, including extorting the city's wealthy and imposing additional fines on merchants and craftsmen, as well as anyone capable of paying. However, he failed in his efforts. The Odjak grew increasingly angry at him, for their overdue salaries. They didn't give him any respite and, in June 1659, threw him back into prison for the second time, especially since Ali Pasha had recently been appointed by the Ottoman Caliphate. [16] : 387
The new governor arrived with a decree instructing the Algerians to prepare and send a naval fleet to the East, with financial compensation for the leaders in return for their contributions to the Cretan War. However, the newly appointed Pasha found himself in a dire situation, as the Odjak were on the brink of revolt, impatiently waiting for their delayed salaries, while the treasury was nearly empty. When he could not find another solution, he reluctantly decided to deduct a portion of the money designated specifically for the Taifa of Raïs (Corsairs). [2]
As a result, the Rais revolted against Ali Pasha, and the situation escalated. On the day of the general Diwan meeting, at the request of the Rais representatives, it was decided to arrest the new Pasha and his followers, who were then sent back to İzmir. The mismanagement of the Pashas and the general causes of the financial crisis in which the state was floundering were discussed. The council members concluded that it was necessary to abolish the financial prerogatives of the Ottoman Pasha, which included paying salaries and managing taxation and public expenses. [16] : 387 Ibn El Mufti explained the reasons behind stripping the Pashas of the salary payment privilege as follows: "When they were entrusted with this duty, they exploited it to plunder the money sent to the palace from various sources without restraint. During that time, they frequently rotated in power at close intervals, and the residents of Algiers fell victim to their greed. They even occasionally forced scholars and court officials to pay a certain amount." [17]
Here are the terms in which Father Barreau, then French consul in Algiers, reported on this revolution: [19]
In the month of June (1659), the divan still continued in the good arrangements he had made to maintain correspondence with foreign countries, and particularly with Marseille, having been informed, both of his own subjects and Christian merchants and others, reasons why his port seemed abandoned as well as the country of his domination, and having been represented to him that the too great authority that he allowed to take insensibly from the pashas who come from the Porte of the great lord giving them opportunity to do a lot of extortion and humiliation; this is why he would have resolved, for the good and for the benefit of all, to completely abolish this disproportionate authority that they had imposed on themselves, and, for this purpose, would have forbidden the one who is in charge of the present to meddle in anything.
As soon as Pasha Ali arrived in İzmir, he submitted a report on what he had encountered and requested permission from its judge regarding informing Istanbul about it. The Grand Vizier Köprülü Mehmed Pasha was angered by the uprising rebellion in Algiers, considering it an act of disobedience to the Ottoman Sultan. Due to his intense anger, he summoned Ali to Istanbul and ordered his execution. [1] : 162 Meanwhile, the Diwan of Algiers had sent a delegation with gifts to the Sublime Porte for in order to request another Pasha, but the Ottoman Grand Vizier refused to receive the delegation and sent a decree to the Algerians, warning them with the following letter : "Finally, we will not send a governor to you. Pledge allegiance to whomever you wish. The Sultan does not need your obedience. We have thousands of Kingdoms like Algiers, whether it is one or none. And if you approach the Ottoman territories, you will not be satisfied." [16] : 387 After this, the Grand Vizier sent another decree to the ports on all Ottoman coasts, as well as to the governors of Egypt and the Sharif of Mecca, requesting them to prevent the Algerians from going on the pilgrimage, selling weapons to them, and not allowing them to approach the Ottoman coasts. This implies the disruption of the Hajj pilgrimage and trade to the East, along with the potential discontent of religious authorities and the local population, in addition to the cessation of the vital recruitment of the Odjak thus threatening its existence. [1] : 162–163
The Diwan did not limit itself to pronouncing the pasha's forfeiture; he proposed a new form of government which was immediately adopted. The Diwan, responsible for governing affairs, has given the state's powers to twenty-four Manzoul-Agas (isolated aghas), led by the Agha presiding over the Diwan; [20] It was agreed to replace the pasha and his officers with a certain number of members of the divan chosen from among the Isolated Aghas, officers retired from service, and who had passed through all the ranks of the militia; these Manzoul-Agas were henceforth to have the administration of all the affairs of the state, to collect the revenues of the country, both on the sea side and on the land side, and one of them who would preside over them, with the title of Aga, would be particularly responsible for distributing the pay. The diwan itself was maintained as in the past; only the number of members of this council was increased. [19]
The leader of the coup against the system of Pashas was named Khalil Bouloukbashi. He was one of the most prominent members of the Diwan and held significant influence. The State's responsibilities were officially assigned to him in July 1659, and he assumed all previous Pasha powers. To signify his high position, Khalil was given the title "Agha". [1] : 163
Khalil Agha began his rule by implementing measures to organize the state's finances and provide additional resources for the treasury. He did so by heeding the petitions of local and foreign merchants, abolishing all unjust fines imposed by the previous Pashas, and, furthermore, reducing customs duties to stimulate trade. [2] : 210 He also paid special attention to the issue of taxation, evident in the strict enforcement placed on taxpayers and the replacement of some questionable tax collectors with others from the ranks of the isolated Aghas. [21]
Thanks to his astute management, Khalil successfully paid the full salaries of the Janissary soldiers on time, even achieving a surplus that was deposited in the treasury. This earned him the respect and satisfaction of the Odjak, to the extent that they affectionately referred to him as "Baba Khalil." [22]
This new government, though described as "Republican" by the French political thinker Montesquieu, faced a period of uncertainty between the years 1659 and 1711, because out of the 16 sovereigns that assumed power in the regency, 15 of them were assassinated, this was due to the fact that the power of the Aghas and the Deys was limited by the Divan of Algiers, [23] and also the Pasha position, even though ceremonial at this point, was still a proof of legitimacy that the de facto rulers of Algiers lacked, which made these elected governors fall to plots very often. Yet by overseeing a complementary policy between the possessors of military and financial power through institutionalization, the Ottoman Algerian elite was eventually successful in setting up a political system that survived crises without internal warfare and permitted de facto independence from the imperial authority of the Sublime porte. [24] In 1710, Baba Ali dey established an orderly transfer of power within the Ottoman Algerian elite. [7]
Following the death of Köprülü Mehmed Pasha and the succession of his son Köprülüzade Fazıl Ahmed Pasha as the Grand Vizier in the last days of October 1661, the Algerian envoys contacted Kara Mustafa Pasha, [1] : 164 one of the ministers of the Imperial Divan, and presented him with valuable gifts to intercede on their behalf with the Grand Vizier. The latter forgave them and expressed his readiness to send a new pasha to Algiers. [16] : 388
The Qapuji Sultan, Boshnaq Isma'il Pasha bin Khalil, assumed the position of Pasha in Algiers. The new governor was warmly received by the Algerians upon his return almost three years after the coup began. He arrived in Algiers on May 6, 1662, [17] : 204–205 representing the Sultan, and was received with great enthusiasm and respect by the Algerians. Accommodations were arranged for his stay in the Janina Palace. [25] As for the previously agreed terms, the Diwan of Algiers provided him with a salary and covered all expenses for his household and himself, on the condition that he would not interfere in state affairs and would not leave except by permission, [25] thus having no more than an honorary title. [1] : 164 [9]
Tal Shuval would describe the Ottoman Algerian relations with the Imperial centre as following: [7]
From the revolution of the aghas onwards, a very 'Ottoman' behaviour characterized the Algerian elite regarding the imperial centre: a constant demonstration of loyalty to the empire and its governors, together with a jealous guarding of the province's autonomy vis-à-vis the same centre.
While some authors interpreted the "Aghas revolution" as a mere episode of disobedience linked to the regional reorganisation of the Ottoman empire, basing this claim on the maintaining of the pasha position within the Regency of Algiers, [26] yet this revolution brought a number of significant changes:
This state of affairs indicate the de facto independence of Algiers from what was left of the already loose Ottoman suzerainty. [30] [31] The Ottoman empire was no longer interested in extending its influence in the western Mediterranean as it had been in the 16th century, yet the Deys still enjoyed political and religious support from the Ottoman sultan through the pasha title they held in Algiers, which was more indicative of their need for legitimacy and protection rather than effective authority from the Sublime porte. [7] [30]
Other revolts on the Barbary Coast in the same period:
Dey, from the Turkish honorific title dayı, literally meaning uncle, was the title given to the rulers of the regencies of Algiers, Tripolitania, and Tunis under the Ottoman Empire from 1671 onwards. Twenty-nine deys held office from the establishment of the deylicate in Algeria until the French conquest in 1830.
The Regency of Algiers was an early modern semi-independent Ottoman province and nominal vassal state on the Barbary Coast of North Africa from 1516 to 1830. Founded by the privateer brothers Aruj and Hayreddin Reis, the Regency succeeded the Kingdom of Tlemcen as an infamous and formidable base that waged maritime holy war on European Christian powers. Elected regents headed a stratocracy that haunted European imagination for three centuries but still gained recognition as a regional power.
The invasion of Algiers in 1830 was a large-scale military operation by which the Kingdom of France, ruled by Charles X, invaded and conquered the Deylik of Algiers.
The Expedition of Mostaganem occurred in 1558, when Spanish forces attempted to capture the city of Mostaganem. The expedition was supposed to be a decisive step in the conquest of the Ottoman base of Algiers, but it ended in failure, and has been called a "disaster".
Ottoman Tunisia, also known as the Regency of Tunis, refers to the Ottoman presence in Ifriqiya from the 16th to 19th centuries, when Tunis was officially integrated into the Ottoman Empire as the Eyalet of Tunis. The Ottoman presence in the Maghreb began with the takeover of Algiers in 1516 by the Ottoman Turkish corsair and beylerbey Aruj, eventually expanding across the entire region except for Morocco. The first Ottoman conquest of Tunis occurred in 1534 under the command of Khayr al-Din Barbarossa, the younger brother of Aruj, who was the Kapudan Pasha of the Ottoman Fleet during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent. However, it was not until the final Ottoman reconquest of Tunis from Spain in 1574 that the Turks permanently acquired the former territories of Hafsid Tunisia, retaining it until the French occupation of Tunisia in 1881.
The Revolutions of Tunis or the Muradid War of Succession was a period of troubles and civil wars in Ottoman Tunisia. It ran from the death of the Muradid sovereign Murad II Bey in 1675 until the seizure of power by the Husainid sovereign Al-Husayn I ibn Ali at-Turki in 1705. The belligerents were Ali Bey al-Muradi and Muhammad Bey al-Muradi, their uncle Muhammad al-Hafsi al-Muradi, several Deys of Tunis, the Turkish militia in Tunis and the Dey of Algiers.
Baba Mohammed ben-Osman or Muhammad V ben Osman was Dey of the Deylik of Algiers from 1766 to 1791 and the adoptive father of Baba Hassan Pacha and the grandfather of Mustapha Pacha. He declared war against Denmark-Norway because Denmark-Norway refused his demands for an increased annual payment to stave off piracy, and new gifts, which began the Danish-Algerian War. He also declared war against the United States in 1785 and captured several American ships. The war ended in 1795 when the U.S concluded a treaty with his successor that paid $21,600 annually to Algiers.
The Battle of Moulouya took place in May 1692 at a ford on the Moulouya river in Morocco. It was fought between the armies of the Alawi sultan Moulay Ismail and those of the Dey of Algiers Hadj Chabane.
The French-Algerian War of 1681–1688 was part of a wider campaign by France against the Barbary Pirates in the 1680s.
The "Odjak of Algiers" was a unit of the Algerian army. It was a highly autonomous part of the Janissary Corps, acting completely independently from the rest of the corps, similar to the relationship between Algiers and the Sublime Porte. Led by an Agha, they also took part in the country's internal administration and politics, ruling the country for several years. They acted as a defense unit, a Praetorian Guard, and an instrument of repression until 1817.
Baba Hassan was the 2nd ruler and Dey of Algiers. He ruled one year after his predecessor Mohamed Trik.
Baba Ali Chaouch, also known as Ali Soukali, or simply Ali I, was a ruler of the Deylik of Algiers from 1710 to 1718. He was the first dey of Algiers to be invested with the title of dey-pacha. The Sultan Ahmed III had Ali Chaouch's envoy given the caftan and the three tails, a sign of the dignity of a "pasha". This title was attributed to all his successors until 1830.
Mohamed ben Hassan or Muhammad III was the 12th ruler and Dey of Algiers. He ruled five months after his predecessor Baba Ali Chaouch.
The Maghrebi war (1699–1702) was a conflict involving a Tunisian, Tripolitanian, and Moroccan coalition, and the Deylik of Algiers. It was an important milestone in the further weakening of the already fragile Ottoman grip over the Maghreb, as both sides utterly ignored the Ottoman sultan's pleas to sign a peace treaty. This war also led to the renewal of the Muradid infighting, which would later lead to the establishment of the Beylik of Tunis, and the Husainid dynasty in 1705.
The ta'ifa of raïs or the Raïs for short, were Barbary pirates based in Ottoman Algeria who were involved in piracy and the slave trade in the Mediterranean Sea from the 16th to the 19th century. They were an ethnically mixed group of seafarers, including mostly "renegades" from European provinces of the Mediterranean and the North Sea, along with a minority of Turks and Moors. Such crews were experienced in naval combat, making Algiers a formidable pirate base. Its activity was directed against the Spanish empire, but it did not neglect the coasts of Sicily, Sardinia, Naples or Provence. It was the taifa which, through its seizures, maintained the prosperity of Algiers and its finances.
Hadj Ahmed Chabane Dey was the fourth Dey of Algiers. He ruled from 1688 to 1695, and was the first member of the Algerian Janissary Odjak to ever assume this position. Under his leadership, Algeria enjoyed good relations with France. His military campaigns against Morocco and Tunis were successful. However, his enemies turned his Eastern army against him; he was removed from power and executed.
The Regency of Algiers was founded in 1516 and existed as largely independent tributary state of the Ottoman Empire until the French invasion of 1830. Founded by the corsair brothers Aruj and Khayr ad-Din Barbarossa, the Regency was an important pirate base for Barbary corsairs and became involved in numerous armed conflicts with European powers.
Baba Abdi or Kûr Abdi was the 13th ruler and Dey of Algiers. He ruled five months after his predecessor Mohamed Ben Hassen.
Mohamed Ibn Bekir or Mohamed Khodja, was the 16th ruler and Dey of Algiers. He ruled for 6 years after his predecessor Ibrahim Kouchouk.