Open protein structure annotation network

Last updated
DescriptionCollaborative annotation environment for structural genomics
Research center Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute
LaboratoryJoint Center for Structural Genomics
AuthorsDana Weekes
Primary citationWeekes & al. (2010) [1]
Release date2010

The Open Protein Structure Annotation Network (TOPSAN) is a wiki designed to collect, share and distribute information about protein three-dimensional structures [1] The site runs on the MindTouch software.


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  1. 1 2 Weekes, Dana; Krishna S Sri; Bakolitsa Constantina; Wilson Ian A; Godzik Adam; Wooley John (2010). "TOPSAN: a collaborative annotation environment for structural genomics". BMC Bioinformatics. 11: 426. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-426 . PMC   2936398 . PMID   20716366.