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Other namesPsychogenic fecal retention
Specialty Psychology

Parcopresis, also termed psychogenic fecal retention or shy bowel, and known colloquially as poop shy, is the inability to defecate without a certain level of privacy. It can be either a difficulty or inability to defecate due to significant psychological distress, and is associated with avoidance in public and social situations. [1] It is typically researched alongside and has comorbidity with paruresis, which is an inability or difficulty to urinate in the presence of others. [1]


Parcopresis is not a medically recognized condition, [2] although one case report in 2011 suggests it should be classified as a form of social phobia. [3] As of 2019, little is known about parcopresis and it has unknown prevalence. [1] One 2021 study with a sample size of 714 university students found that a gender-adjusted 14.4% of the study population avoided using public toilets for fears associated with parcopresis, with significantly higher prevalence among females. [4] Cognitive behavioral therapy is speculated to provide the most benefit, but there is not yet research to support this claim. [1]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Open defecation</span> Humans defecating outside (in the open environment) rather than into a toilet

Open defecation is the human practice of defecating outside rather than into a toilet. People may choose fields, bushes, forests, ditches, streets, canals, or other open spaces for defecation. They do so either because they do not have a toilet readily accessible or due to archaic traditional cultural practices. The practice is common where sanitation infrastructure and services are not available. Even if toilets are available, behavior change efforts may still be needed to promote the use of toilets. 'Open defecation free' (ODF) is a term used to describe communities that have shifted to using toilets instead of open defecation. This can happen, for example, after community-led total sanitation programs have been implemented.


  1. 1 2 3 4 Kuoch, Kenley LJ; Austin, David W; Knowles, Simon R (2019-04-01). "Latest thinking on paruresis and parcopresis: A new distinct diagnostic entity?". Australian Journal of General Practice. 48 (4): 212–215. doi: 10.31128/ajgp-09-18-4700 . hdl: 10536/DRO/DU:30132027 . ISSN   2208-794X.
  2. The Private Lives of Public Bathrooms - Julie Beck - The Atlantic
  3. Barros, Régis Eric Maia (December 2011). "Paruresis and Parcopresis in Social Phobia: a case report". Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria. 33 (4): 416–417. doi: 10.1590/s1516-44462011000400019 . ISSN   1516-4446.
  4. Knowles, Simon R. (2023-01-01). "Socio-cognitive processes are associated with parcopresis symptoms and public toilet avoidance in university students". Current Psychology. 42 (3): 1762–1772. doi:10.1007/s12144-021-01586-x. ISSN   1936-4733.

Further reading