Pascal's rule

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In mathematics, Pascal's rule (or Pascal's formula) is a combinatorial identity about binomial coefficients. It states that for positive natural numbers n and k,


where is a binomial coefficient; one interpretation of the coefficient of the xk term in the expansion of (1 + x)n. There is no restriction on the relative sizes of n and k, [1] since, if n < k the value of the binomial coefficient is zero and the identity remains valid.

Pascal's rule can also be viewed as a statement that the formula

solves the linear two-dimensional difference equation

over the natural numbers. Thus, Pascal's rule is also a statement about a formula for the numbers appearing in Pascal's triangle.

Pascal's rule can also be generalized to apply to multinomial coefficients.

Combinatorial proof

Illustrates combinatorial proof:
{\displaystyle {\binom {4}{1}}+{\binom {4}{2}}={\binom {5}{2}}.} Pascal's rule 4c1 plus 4c2 equals 5c2.svg
Illustrates combinatorial proof:

Pascal's rule has an intuitive combinatorial meaning, that is clearly expressed in this counting proof. [2] :44

Proof. Recall that equals the number of subsets with k elements from a set with n elements. Suppose one particular element is uniquely labeled X in a set with n elements.

To construct a subset of k elements containing X, include X and choose k1 elements from the remaining n1 elements in the set. There are such subsets.

To construct a subset of k elements not containing X, choose k elements from the remaining n1 elements in the set. There are such subsets.

Every subset of k elements either contains X or not. The total number of subsets with k elements in a set of n elements is the sum of the number of subsets containing X and the number of subsets that do not contain X, .

This equals ; therefore, .

Algebraic proof

Alternatively, the algebraic derivation of the binomial case follows.


Pascal's rule can be generalized to multinomial coefficients. [2] :144 For any integer p such that , and ,

where is the coefficient of the term in the expansion of .

The algebraic derivation for this general case is as follows. [2] :144 Let p be an integer such that , and . Then

See also

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  1. Mazur, David R. (2010), Combinatorics / A Guided Tour, Mathematical Association of America, p. 60, ISBN   978-0-88385-762-5
  2. 1 2 3 Brualdi, Richard A. (2010), Introductory Combinatorics (5th ed.), Prentice-Hall, ISBN   978-0-13-602040-0


This article incorporates material from Pascal's triangle on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

This article incorporates material from Pascal's rule proof on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.