Personal development planning

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Personal development planning is the process of creating an action plan for current and future based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and investment in personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship, and self-improvement. [1]



Personal development planning is based on the input that the person gets from the various psychosocioeconomic interactions and triggered responses. The environment that this happens in and the quality of experiences that the person gets significantly affect the person's nature of planning, and it creates a base for their worldview. [2]


The PDP (personal development plan) or an IDP (individual development plan) is a form of personal development planning done through pen and paper. They are commonly tentative, cause they are not critical in nature, mostly unguided and ill-informed, and sometimes simply an exercise to visualise or project their future. It usually includes a statement of one's aspirations, strengths or competencies, education and training, and stages or steps to indicate how the plan is to be realized. Personal development plans may also include a statement of one's career and lifestyle priorities, where they like to see themselves at a point of time, analysis of opportunities and risks, an expected portfolio of skills required for the career and how the person intends to earn them over a particular frame of time, alternative plans (Plan B), and a curriculum vitae (CV).

Human-resource management uses PDPs. Employees who participate in employee training are often asked[ by whom? ] to complete a personal development plan. An individual would be often [ quantify ] asked to develop a five-year personal development plan to organize personal goals and to make them achievable within a certain[ which? ] time-period.

Country differences


Majority of German people like to plan on how to achieve things they want in the most efficient and precise way that it could be achieved within their psychosocioeconomic constraints and opportunities. German's are culturally known and socially complimented for their enthusiasm for efficiency, order of things, and finding joy in achieving it.[ citation needed ]


Indian communities often promote the ideology that group is important than the individual. Individual isn't independent until their end of early adulthood. Most of their life decisions are taken by their parents or elders, including what to wear, choice of education, spouse, etc. However, diasporic Indians are partially enabled to develop a personal development plan by adhering to their ancient and individualistic philosophy "Aham Brahmasmi," meaning "self is divine."[ citation needed ]

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  1. Chinoperekweyi, Justine (2017). Exceptionality Without Relapse. Notion Press. ISBN   978-1-947752-78-8.
  2. Open University, Personal development plan (PDP), accessed 9 January 2023