Pioneers' Day

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Pioneers' Day
Hoisting the flag at Fort Salisbury.png
The flag being raised at Fort Salisbury in 1890
Observed by Rhodesia
SignificanceCommemorates the Pioneer Column that founded Rhodesia
ObservancesFlag raising in Salisbury, prayer service, military parades
Date 12 September
Next time12 September 2024 (2024-09-12)
First time1920
Last time1979

Pioneers' Day or Pioneer Day was a public holiday in Rhodesia. The day was created to commemorate the Pioneer Column led by Cecil Rhodes and the British South Africa Company on 12 September 1890. It was originally called Occupation Day when established in 1920 but was renamed as Pioneers' Day in 1961. The day was abolished as a public holiday following Rhodesia becoming Zimbabwe in 1980. [1]



The Pioneer Column was part of a plan by Rhodes and the BSAC to settle the Mashonaland. On 12 September 1890, the settlers raised the Union Jack over Fort Salisbury (later shortened to Salisbury) to announce the start of Company rule in Rhodesia. [2] The day was formulated as a public holiday in 1920 under the Bank Holiday Amendment Ordinance as Occupation Day where it was intended to replace Shangani Day. [3] In 1961, it was renamed as Pioneers' Day. [4] The commemoration continued during Rhodesia's unrecognised unilateral independence but following the establishment of Zimbabwe, as part of a Robert Mugabe led campaign to Africanise the country, the holiday was abolished. [1]


The focal point of the celebrations was the re-enactment of the raising of the Union Jack at Cecil Square in Salisbury. The ceremony would be complemented by military parades and a Christian service of thanksgiving. [5] [6] This would be repeated yearly with the original pioneers and their descendants usually being present alongside the Prime Minister of Rhodesia. [2] Following Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence in 1965, in 1968 it was announced that there would be a new flag of Rhodesia created. Initially it was unknown if this would replace the Union Jack during Pioneers' Day celebrations and the Pioneer and Early Settlers Society petitioned Prime Minister Ian Smith to ensure that the Union Jack continued to be raised. [7] It was agreed that the Union Jack would continue to be the flag raised during the ceremonies in order to honour the pioneers. [8] [5] [9] The flag would traditionally be raised by a descendant of a pioneer who served in either the Rhodesian Security Forces or in the British South Africa Police. [5] [10]

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  1. 1 2 "Singing The Zimbabwean Nation: Nationalism, Landscapes Of Memory And The State" (PDF). International Journal of Politics and Good Governance. Retrieved 1 September 2021.
  2. 1 2 Lamb, David (13 September 1978). "Whites celebrate pioneer day in sombre mood" . Arizona Republic. Retrieved 1 September 2021 via
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  4. "Bills of Exchange Amendment". The Statute Law of Southern Rhodesia: Acts of Parliament from 1st January to 31st December 1961. Salisbury: Argus Printing and Publishing Company: 11–13. 1962.
  5. 1 2 3 "22". Rhodesia. World in Action. 1 March 1976. 2–4 minutes in. ITV. Granada Television.
  6. "Nostalgic Rhodesians celebrate pioneer day" . Austin American-Statesman. 13 September 1978. Retrieved 1 September 2021 via
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  9. Kenrick, David (2019). Decolonisation, Identity and Nation in Rhodesia, 1964–1979: A Race Against Time. Springer Nature. p. 116. ISBN   9783030326982.
  10. Gibbs, Peter (2000). The History of the British South Africa Police. Something of Value. p. 21. ISBN   9780646401195.