In computational geometry, a Pitteway triangulation is a point set triangulation in which the nearest neighbor of any point p within the triangulation is one of the vertices of the triangle containing p. Alternatively, it is a Delaunay triangulation in which each internal edge crosses its dual Voronoi diagram edge. Pitteway triangulations are named after Michael Pitteway, who studied them in 1973. Not every point set supports a Pitteway triangulation. When such a triangulation exists it is a special case of the Delaunay triangulation, and consists of the union of the Gabriel graph and convex hull.
The concept of a Pitteway triangulation was introduced by Pitteway (1973). See also McLain (1976), who writes "An optimal partition is one in which, for any point within any triangle, that point lies at least as close to one of the vertices of that triangle as to any other data point." The name "Pitteway triangulation" was given by Okabe et al. (2000).
Gold (1978) points out that not every point set supports a Pitteway triangulation. For instance, any triangulation of a regular pentagon includes a central isosceles triangle such that a point p near the midpoint of one of the triangle sides has its nearest neighbor outside the triangle.
When a Pitteway triangulation exists, the midpoint of each edge interior to the triangulation must have the two edge endpoints as its nearest neighbors, for any other neighbor would violate the Pitteway property for nearby points in one of the two adjacent triangles. Thus, a circle having that edge as diameter must be empty of vertices, so the Pitteway triangulation consists of the Gabriel graph together with the convex hull of the point set. Conversely, when the Gabriel graph and convex hull together form a triangulation, it is a Pitteway triangulation.
Since all Gabriel graph and convex hull edges are part of the Delaunay triangulation, a Pitteway triangulation, when it exists, is unique for points in general position and coincides with the Delaunay triangulation. However point sets with no Pitteway triangulation will still have a Delaunay triangulation.
In the Pitteway triangulation, each edge pq either belongs to the convex hull or crosses the edge of the Voronoi diagram that separates the cells containing p and q. In some references this property is used to define a Pitteway triangulation, as a Delaunay triangulation in which all internal Delaunay edges cross their dual Voronoi edges. However, a Pitteway triangulation may include convex hull edges that do not cross their duals. [1]
In mathematics and computational geometry, a Delaunay triangulation for a given set P of discrete points in a general position is a triangulation DT(P) such that no point in P is inside the circumcircle of any triangle in DT(P). Delaunay triangulations maximize the minimum of all the angles of the triangles in the triangulation; they tend to avoid sliver triangles. The triangulation is named after Boris Delaunay for his work on this topic from 1934.
Computational geometry is a branch of computer science devoted to the study of algorithms which can be stated in terms of geometry. Some purely geometrical problems arise out of the study of computational geometric algorithms, and such problems are also considered to be part of computational geometry. While modern computational geometry is a recent development, it is one of the oldest fields of computing with a history stretching back to antiquity.
In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a partition of a plane into regions close to each of a given set of objects. In the simplest case, these objects are just finitely many points in the plane. For each seed there is a corresponding region, called a Voronoi cell, consisting of all points of the plane closer to that seed than to any other. The Voronoi diagram of a set of points is dual to that set's Delaunay triangulation.
In computational geometry, polygon triangulation is the partition of a polygonal area P into a set of triangles, i.e., finding a set of triangles with pairwise non-intersecting interiors whose union is P.
A Euclidean minimum spanning tree of a finite set of points in the Euclidean plane or higher-dimensional Euclidean space connects the points by a system of line segments with the points as endpoints, minimizing the total length of the segments. In it, any two points can reach each other along a path through the line segments. It can be found as the minimum spanning tree of a complete graph with the points as vertices and the Euclidean distances between points as edge weights.
A triangulation of a set of points in the Euclidean space is a simplicial complex that covers the convex hull of , and whose vertices belong to . In the plane, triangulations are made up of triangles, together with their edges and vertices. Some authors require that all the points of are vertices of its triangulations. In this case, a triangulation of a set of points in the plane can alternatively be defined as a maximal set of non-crossing edges between points of . In the plane, triangulations are special cases of planar straight-line graphs.
In geometry, a triangulation is a subdivision of a planar object into triangles, and by extension the subdivision of a higher-dimension geometric object into simplices. Triangulations of a three-dimensional volume would involve subdividing it into tetrahedra packed together.
A spatial network is a graph in which the vertices or edges are spatial elements associated with geometric objects, i.e., the nodes are located in a space equipped with a certain metric. The simplest mathematical realization of spatial network is a lattice or a random geometric graph, where nodes are distributed uniformly at random over a two-dimensional plane; a pair of nodes are connected if the Euclidean distance is smaller than a given neighborhood radius. Transportation and mobility networks, Internet, mobile phone networks, power grids, social and contact networks and biological neural networks are all examples where the underlying space is relevant and where the graph's topology alone does not contain all the information. Characterizing and understanding the structure, resilience and the evolution of spatial networks is crucial for many different fields ranging from urbanism to epidemiology.
In the mathematical discipline of graph theory, the dual graph of a planar graph G is a graph that has a vertex for each face of G. The dual graph has an edge for each pair of faces in G that are separated from each other by an edge, and a self-loop when the same face appears on both sides of an edge. Thus, each edge e of G has a corresponding dual edge, whose endpoints are the dual vertices corresponding to the faces on either side of e. The definition of the dual depends on the choice of embedding of the graph G, so it is a property of plane graphs rather than planar graphs. For planar graphs generally, there may be multiple dual graphs, depending on the choice of planar embedding of the graph.
In Euclidean plane geometry, a pseudotriangle (pseudo-triangle) is the simply connected subset of the plane that lies between any three mutually tangent convex sets. A pseudotriangulation (pseudo-triangulations) is a partition of a region of the plane into pseudotriangles, and a pointed pseudotriangulation is a pseudotriangulation in which at each vertex the incident edges span an angle of less than π.
Proximity problems is a class of problems in computational geometry which involve estimation of distances between geometric objects.
In computational geometry, the Bowyer–Watson algorithm is a method for computing the Delaunay triangulation of a finite set of points in any number of dimensions. The algorithm can be also used to obtain a Voronoi diagram of the points, which is the dual graph of the Delaunay triangulation.
The nearest neighbor graph (NNG) is a directed graph defined for a set of points in a metric space, such as the Euclidean distance in the plane. The NNG has a vertex for each point, and a directed edge from p to q whenever q is a nearest neighbor of p, a point whose distance from p is minimum among all the given points other than p itself.
In mesh generation, Delaunay refinements are algorithms for mesh generation based on the principle of adding Steiner points to the geometry of an input to be meshed, in a way that causes the Delaunay triangulation or constrained Delaunay triangulation of the augmented input to meet the quality requirements of the meshing application. Delaunay refinement methods include methods by Chew and by Ruppert.
In computational geometry and computer science, the minimum-weight triangulation problem is the problem of finding a triangulation of minimal total edge length. That is, an input polygon or the convex hull of an input point set must be subdivided into triangles that meet edge-to-edge and vertex-to-vertex, in such a way as to minimize the sum of the perimeters of the triangles. The problem is NP-hard for point set inputs, but may be approximated to any desired degree of accuracy. For polygon inputs, it may be solved exactly in polynomial time. The minimum weight triangulation has also sometimes been called the optimal triangulation.
In computational geometry, a constrained Delaunay triangulation is a generalization of the Delaunay triangulation that forces certain required segments into the triangulation as edges, unlike the Delaunay triangulation itself which is based purely on the position of a given set of vertices without regard to how they should be connected by edges. It can be computed efficiently and has applications in geographic information systems and in mesh generation.
In geometry, the two ears theorem states that every simple polygon with more than three vertices has at least two ears, vertices that can be removed from the polygon without introducing any crossings. The two ears theorem is equivalent to the existence of polygon triangulations. It is frequently attributed to Gary H. Meisters, but was proved earlier by Max Dehn.
Reverse-search algorithms are a class of algorithms for generating all objects of a given size, from certain classes of combinatorial objects. In many cases, these methods allow the objects to be generated in polynomial time per object, using only enough memory to store a constant number of objects. They work by organizing the objects to be generated into a spanning tree of their state space, and then performing a depth-first search of this tree.