Principle of homonymy

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In zoology, the principle of homonymy is one of the guiding principles of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature .

It states that any one name, in one particular spelling, may be used only once (within its group). This will typically be the first-published name; any later name with the same spelling (a homonym) is typically barred from being used. The principles of priority and the first reviser apply here. For family-group names the termination (which is rank-bound) is not taken into account.

In 1777 Johann Reinhold Forster published the name Echidna for a genus of moray eels. This meant that when Georges Cuvier proposed to use this name Echidna in 1797 for the spiny anteater he created a junior homonym. Later, in 1811, Johann Karl Wilhelm Illiger published the name Tachyglossus, as a replacement name, or nomen novum , and this is considered to be the valid name for the spiny anteater.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Echidna</span> Family of mammals

Echidnas, sometimes known as spiny anteaters, are quill-covered monotremes belonging to the family Tachyglossidae. The four extant species of echidnas and the platypus are the only living mammals that lay eggs and the only surviving members of the order Monotremata. The diet of some species consists of ants and termites, but they are not closely related to the true anteaters of the Americas, which are xenarthrans. Echidnas live in Australia and New Guinea.

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The suffix -onym is a bound morpheme, that is attached to the end of a root word, thus forming a new compound word that designates a particular class of names. In linguistic terminology, compound words that are formed with suffix -onym are most commonly used as designations for various onomastic classes. Most onomastic terms that are formed with suffix -onym are classical compounds, whose word roots are taken from classical languages.

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<i>Systema Naturae</i> Major work by Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus

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In botanical nomenclature, author citation is the way of citing the person or group of people who validly published a botanical name, i.e. who first published the name while fulfilling the formal requirements as specified by the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (ICN). In cases where a species is no longer in its original generic placement, both the authority for the original genus placement and that for the new combination are given.

In zoological nomenclature, the valid name of a taxon is the sole correct scientific name. The valid name should be used for that taxon, instead of any other name that may currently be being used, or may previously have been used. A name is valid when, and only when, it is in harmony with all the relevant rules listed in the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN). A valid name is the correct zoological name of a taxon.

In biology, a homonym is a name for a taxon that is identical in spelling to another such name, that belongs to a different taxon.

A conserved name or nomen conservandum is a scientific name that has specific nomenclatural protection. That is, the name is retained, even though it violates one or more rules which would otherwise prevent it from being legitimate. Nomen conservandum is a Latin term, meaning "a name to be conserved". The terms are often used interchangeably, such as by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants (ICN), while the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature favours the term "conserved name".

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  1. The first formal scientific name published for a plant or animal taxon shall be the name that is to be used, called the valid name in zoology and correct name in botany.
  2. Once a name has been used, no subsequent publication of that name for another taxon shall be valid (zoology) or validly published (botany).

In biodiversity informatics, a chresonym is the cited use of a taxon name, usually a species name, within a publication. The term is derived from the Greek χρῆσις chresis meaning "a use" and refers to published usage of a name.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Vermivore</span>

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This is a list of terms and symbols used in scientific names for organisms, and in describing the names. For proper parts of the names themselves, see List of Latin and Greek words commonly used in systematic names. Note that many of the abbreviations are used with or without a stop.
