Process capital is the value to an enterprise which is derived from the techniques, procedures, and programs that implement and enhance the delivery of goods and services. Process capital is one of the three components of structural capital, itself a component of intellectual capital. [1] [2] Process capital can be seen as the value of processes to any entity, whether for profit or not-for profit, but is most commonly used in reference to for-profit entities.
A process comprises a "series or network of value-added activities, performed by their relevant roles or collaborators, to purposefully achieve the common business goal. [3]
Process capital can be created and enhanced by using business process mapping, [4] business process modeling [5] and business process management [6]
Organisations invest in process capital in order to build a company’s unique infrastructure for achieving operational and strategic goals. Given the dynamics of industry and technology, the development of process capital evolves and interacts with environmental changes. [7] Organisations have invested in information technology (IT) and organisational change programs to build process capital for achieving business excellence through customer satisfaction. The vast investments include: IT infrastructure implementation, quality-improvement projects, process-redesign projects, and various process integration projects. Although process capital plays an important role in organising resources, processing information, interacting with stakeholders, and delivering organisational values, [8] few studies have discussed its specific content, and it is rare to focus attention on the level of its management. Instead, process capital has usually been hidden in the measurement of IT investment or organisational intellectual capital as an intangible element of organisational assets. [9] Failure to treat process capital as a separate and unique management issue is widespread among both businesses and researchers because most of the systems and processes within the organisations are interdependent. Therefore, a systematic approach to measuring process capital is necessary to manage process potential to its full extent. [10]
Capital is something owned which provides ongoing services. In the national accounts, or to firms, capital is made up of durable investment goods, normally summed in units of money. Process capital, in practice, embraces the practical knowledge of operations, techniques, and employee programs in the effort to extend and enhance the efficiency of manufacturing or the delivery of products and services for long-term value. [1]
Failure to treat process capital as a separate and unique management issue is widespread among both businesses and researchers because most of the systems and processes within the organisations are interdependent. Therefore, a systematic approach to measuring process capital is necessary to manage process potential to its full extent. [1]
Process capital is essential for strategy development and implementation. Business processes are large with technology, location and other factors combining to generate limitless possibilities. Throughout the process of developing and appropriating technology-enabled processes, collective brainpower is formalised, captured, and leveraged to produce an asset of higher value and affect organisational performance in all aspects. [11]
Organisational performance can include the operational, managerial, and strategic impacts of different business efforts on the management of business processes. However, because organisational performance is influenced by numerous factors, the benefits from process capital can be expected to take up to several years to filter through the various levels of business performance. For example, a process integration technology may take months to develop and transform into real processes and to generate increased productivity. In addition, after processes emerge into business operation, greater managerial and strategic performance may appear later. Therefore, it is important to use proper measures to reflect process value for both the short and long term. [12]
The input method is measured by the resources invested in process capital for business operations. In economic terms, this is expected to predict the future value of the processes. [13] The two measurement indicators for this method are investment in information technology and administrative expanses. [9] Firm size and industry type are the two controlled variables that are used in all three methods.
The output method is measured by the total effort of managing the technology and operations which achieve business effectiveness. [14] The process indicators measure the actual value of labor productivity, such as profit per employee, to determine the contribution to the firm's overall productivity. This method is based on reviewing past performances to predict future results. [9]
Management capability is the capability of constructing and coordinating resources to integrate and develop processes to respond to changing business conditions. The method measures the value of the process capital at the time of the measurement as a percentage change of the productivity compared to the previous year. [15]
Studies show that process capital has a positive influence on competitive advantages of firms. [16]
Companies engaging in environmental management and green innovation actively can not only minimise production waste and increase productivity, but also charge relatively high prices for green products, improve corporate images, and thereby obtain corporate competitive advantages under the trends of popular environmentalism consciousness of consumers and severe international regulations of environmental protection. [17] Therefore, the stocks of organisational capabilities, organisational commitments, knowledge management systems, reward systems, information technology systems, databases, managerial institution, operation processes, managerial philosophies, organisational culture, company images, patents, copy rights, and trademarks, etc. about environmental protection or green innovation within a company can help companies obtain competitive advantages. [18]
The measurement of green structural capital comprises the following nine items: [19]
(1) whether the management system of environmental protection in the firm is superior to that of its major competitors;
(2) whether innovations about environmental protection in the firm are more than those of its major competitors;
(3) whether the profits earned from environmental protection activities of the firm is Effect of Green Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantages of Firms 277 more than that of its major competitors;
(4) whether the ratio of investments in R&D expenditures about environmental protection in the firm to its sales is more than that of its major competitors;
(5) whether the ratio of employees about environmental management to the total employees in the firm is more than that of its major competitors;
(6) whether investments in environmental protection facilities in the firm are more than those of its major competitors;
(7) whether the competence in the development of green products in the firm is better than that of its major competitors;
(8) whether the overall operation processes about environmental protection in the firm work smoothly;
(9) whether the knowledge management system about environmental management in the firm is favorable for the accumulation and sharing of the knowledge of environmental management. [20]
Process capital is one of the three components of structural capital. Nursing structural capital is knowledge converted into information structures that nurses can use to assist with their clinical decision-making and care planning. [21] Nursing structural capital in the form of practice guidelines, care maps or protocols is believed to provide relevant information to nurses for improving the quality of care they deliver. Care maps, practice guidelines and protocols have been found to contribute to improved patient outcomes and reduce the rate of adverse events. [21]
The intellectual capital model distinguishes between three distinct elements: Human Capital, Structural Capital, and Relational Capital. Leadership represents ideas of Human Capital, the intellectual value of the employees in a firm. All intellectual capital first originates as Human Capital. Innovation and process capital represents components of structural capital, elements that show the legal and process value of the company. [22] Innovation capital includes embodied knowledge sets like patents and copyrights. Process capital tends to consist of more intangible elements of a tacit knowledge set which includes process technologies. In other words, structural capital consists of elements with which the firm's members interact to create more knowledge or get the work done. Relational capital is moderated by cultural capital and both of these elements represent the knowledge needed to provide ongoing value-added relations with shareholders. [23]
(Figure 1 source. [24]
The key principle illustrated in Figure 1 is that no element of intellectual capital by itself creates ongoing value for the firm but is value creating only when interacting with other elements of the intellectual capital model. [25] Thus, the true nature of the intellectual capital machine within the firm is dynamic and with reference to measurement issues. Measuring one elements may affect the measurement of another and once measurements are made of the element its magnitude and direction of flow may have already changed. Total knowledge of the intellectual capital system through measurement is impossible. [26]
A problem that may result from narrowly defining the knowledge stocks to be measured is that of reification and institutionalisation of such stock. Identifying a set of importance may over-emphasise the real strategic value of the set, especially in times of strategical change. When knowledge stocks are identified and attention given to them their importance may be rectified by those within the firm and results in the development of core rigidities, or strategic commitment, which may stagnate potentially revitalising innovation. Leonard-Barton identified knowledge as one of the most difficult to change. When it is past success and attention, it creates core rigidities. The term she uses to demonstrate the basic principle is a "way of seeing is also a way of not seeing." [27]
The predominance of a structuralization assumption is that all knowledge needs to be structuralized to be valuable to a firm, leading to reification of knowledge as explicit. This assumption treats all knowledge as easily distinguishable from human experience. [28]
A woman who had been working in North America for a German company was fired when the firm downsized and moved all its operations back to Germany. Later, the company learned that the woman had been working on strategically important information on the North American market, thus the knowledge this woman had created had been erroneously "let go" in the process of downsizing. [29] The moral of the story espoused by the author was that the company should have structuralized this knowledge so that it could be owned and retained by the firm even after eliminating the woman from its payroll. Why was the woman fired? Surely, the firm should have been more aware of its developing knowledge sets because knowledge sets are the bases from which all intellectual capital emanates. Furthermore, the strategically relevant information is communicable and could have been codified. [29]
How does the firm manage both its structural capital as product and its human capital as process? If this flip side seems humanistic, it is. The human intellect is the only entity that has the capacity to create new knowledge that has value. Computers may reassemble information into new modes analytically but cannot integrate these into something new. Structuralization of human capital may be only possible and desired when it can be used to further help the development of human capital, as non-contextual data or information, or sold as a product for profit. An important insight is that the firm need not own something outright for it to profit from association. An example of such an intangible tacit knowledge set that the firm could hardly structuralize and yet profits by association is seen in the relational capital created between a sales agent and client. [29]
The move towards structuralization of tacit, experiential knowledge may result in other problems. Attempts to measure knowledge stock may disrupt the very process involved in creating new knowledge stocks. In such attempts, will we have killed the goose to get the golden egg? That is, the very process of measurement may interfere with the process by which knowledge creates value. [30] Thus, firms should also look towards leveraging intellectual capital through "organising" rather than "structuralizaing" their knowledge assets: organising attempts to coordinate the intellectual capital elements such that their interaction increases ongoing value of the firm as a " going concern" rather than simply as an asset on a balance sheet. [29]
Another problem here may be called the "false recipe" syndrome where the metaphor is that of the chef who, unconsciously or otherwise, neglects to communicate subtle but important elements of a recipe. Managers often lose the support of labor in initiating productivity improvement exercise because, rightly or wrongly, they are perceived as designed to put workers out of a job. [31]
In managing intellectual capital there are at least two distinct things that are being managed. Figure 2 illustrates these two streams flowing from the development of human capital. [29] (Figure 2 source. [24] )
The first is the knowledge stock itself. The most successful examples of managing intellectual capital from the literature are indicative of this type. Because this type represents the structural capital of the "structuralization" assumption, this is not surprising. It is, however, important. Usually these consist of the products of the intellectual capital development process. [29]
The second thing being managed is the knowledge work itself. This is more difficult to manage than the first because of its intangible nature. Inevitably the knowledge worker will be the best equipped to understand the full requirements of any particular job. [32] In this case, managers must act as facilitators, setting up the structures and process that will help the knowledge worker will be best equipped to understand the full requirements of any particular job. In this case, managers must act as facilitators, setting up the structures and processes that will help the knowledge worker's development and allow for the efficient interaction of human capital with the other elements of the intellectual capital framework. [29]
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are business transactions in which the ownership of companies, business organizations, or their operating units are transferred to or consolidated with another company or business organization. This could happen through direct absorption, a merger, a tender offer or a hostile takeover. As an aspect of strategic management, M&A can allow enterprises to grow or downsize, and change the nature of their business or competitive position.
Business is the practice of making one's living or making money by producing or buying and selling products. It is also "any activity or enterprise entered into for profit."
Intellectual capital is the result of mental processes that form a set of intangible objects that can be used in economic activity and bring income to its owner (organization), covering the competencies of its people, the value relating to its relationships, and everything that is left when the employees go home, of which intellectual property (IP) is but one component. It is the sum of everything everybody in a company knows that gives it a competitive edge. The term is used in academia in an attempt to account for the value of intangible assets not listed explicitly on a company's balance sheets. On a national level, intellectual capital refers to national intangible capital (NIC).
Knowledge management (KM) is the set of procedures for producing, disseminating, utilizing, and overseeing an organization's knowledge and data. It alludes to a multidisciplinary strategy that maximizes knowledge utilization to accomplish organizational goals. Courses in business administration, information systems, management, libraries, and information science are all part of knowledge management (KM), a discipline that has been around since 1991. Information and media, computer science, public health, and public policy are some of the other disciplines that may contribute to KM research. Numerous academic institutions provide master's degrees specifically focused on knowledge management. As a component of their IT, human resource management, or business strategy departments, many large corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations have resources devoted to internal knowledge management initiatives. These organizations receive KM guidance from a number of consulting firms. Organizational goals including enhanced performance, competitive advantage, innovation, sharing of lessons learned, integration, and ongoing organizational improvement are usually the focus of knowledge management initiatives. These initiatives are similar to organizational learning, but they can be differentiated by their increased emphasis on knowledge management as a strategic asset and information sharing. Organizational learning is facilitated by knowledge management. The setting of supply chain may be the most challenging situation for knowledge management since it involves several businesses without a hierarchy or ownership tie; some authors refer to this type of knowledge as transorganizational or interorganizational knowledge. industry 4.0 and digital transformation also add to that complexity, as new issues arise from the volume and speed of information flows and knowledge generation.
In economics, capital goods or capital are "those durable produced goods that are in turn used as productive inputs for further production" of goods and services. A typical example is the machinery used in a factory. At the macroeconomic level, "the nation's capital stock includes buildings, equipment, software, and inventories during a given year."
Organizational learning is the process of creating, retaining, and transferring knowledge within an organization. An organization improves over time as it gains experience. From this experience, it is able to create knowledge. This knowledge is broad, covering any topic that could better an organization. Examples may include ways to increase production efficiency or to develop beneficial investor relations. Knowledge is created at four different units: individual, group, organizational, and inter organizational.
Knowledge transfer refers to transferring an awareness of facts or practical skills from one entity to another. The particular profile of transfer processes activated for a given situation depends on (a) the type of knowledge to be transferred and how it is represented and (b) the processing demands of the transfer task. From this perspective, knowledge transfer in humans encompasses expertise from different disciplines: psychology, cognitive anthropology, anthropology of knowledge, communication studies and media ecology.
In the field of management, strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by an organization's managers on behalf of stakeholders, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization operates. Strategic management provides overall direction to an enterprise and involves specifying the organization's objectives, developing policies and plans to achieve those objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. Academics and practicing managers have developed numerous models and frameworks to assist in strategic decision-making in the context of complex environments and competitive dynamics. Strategic management is not static in nature; the models can include a feedback loop to monitor execution and to inform the next round of planning.
In business, a competitive advantage is an attribute that allows an organization to outperform its competitors.
Marketing strategy refers to efforts undertaken by an organization to increase its sales and achieve competitive advantage. In other words, it is the method of advertising a company's products to the public through an established plan through the meticulous planning and organization of ideas, data, and information.
Productivity is the efficiency of production of goods or services expressed by some measure. Measurements of productivity are often expressed as a ratio of an aggregate output to a single input or an aggregate input used in a production process, i.e. output per unit of input, typically over a specific period of time. The most common example is the (aggregate) labour productivity measure, one example of which is GDP per worker. There are many different definitions of productivity and the choice among them depends on the purpose of the productivity measurement and data availability. The key source of difference between various productivity measures is also usually related to how the outputs and the inputs are aggregated to obtain such a ratio-type measure of productivity.
Michael Eugene Porter is an American businessman and professor at Harvard Business School. He was one of the founders of the consulting firm The Monitor Group and FSG, a social impact consultancy. He is credited with creating Porter's five forces analysis, a widely-used management framework. He is generally regarded as the father of the modern strategy field. He is also regarded as one of the world's most influential thinkers on management and competitiveness as well as one of the most influential business strategists. His work has been recognized by governments, non-governmental organizations and universities.
Knowledge workers are workers whose main capital is knowledge. Examples include ICT professionals, physicians, pharmacists, architects, engineers, scientists, design thinkers, public accountants, lawyers, editors, and academics, whose job is to "think for a living".
Intellectual capital is the sum of all knowledge; implying that knowledge that exists at different levels both within or outside the organisation has to be taken into account for intellectual capital. The intangible nature of many knowledge products and processes, in combination with the increasing importance of their value in corporate balance sheets leads to a growing interest in management of intellectual capital. Creating, shaping and updating the stock of intellectual capital requires the formulation of a strategic vision, which blends together all three dimensions of intellectual capital within the organisational context through exploration and exploitation, measurement and disclosure. Therefore, the organisational value of intellectual capital is developed via an ongoing and emergent process focused on the capability to leverage, develop and change the dimensions. The management of intellectual capital is conceptualised as occurring via a multiple stage process, governed by an evolutionary logic. The intellectual capital management is defined as a cycle of four inter-related sets of practices: Strategic Alignment, Exploration and Exploitation, Measurement and Reporting of intellectual capitals.
The resource-based view (RBV), often referred to as the "resource-based view of the firm", is a managerial framework used to determine the strategic resources a firm can exploit to achieve sustainable competitive advantage.
David John Teece is a New Zealand-born US-based organizational economist and the Professor in Global Business and director of the Tusher Center for the Management of Intellectual Capital at the Walter A. Haas School of Business at the University of California, Berkeley.
Knowledge entrepreneurship refers to the process of utilizing, leveraging, and transforming knowledge into valuable products, services, or ventures. It focuses on the application and commercialization of knowledge with the aim of generating economic and social impact. Knowledge entrepreneurship is different from 'traditional' economic entrepreneurship in the sense that it does not aim to realize monetary profit, but it instead focuses on the opportunities of production (research) and knowledge improvement. It has been argued that knowledge entrepreneurship is a suitable form of entrepreneurship for not-for-profit educators, researchers and educational institutions. While generating economic value is important, knowledge entrepreneurship often aims to address social challenges and contribute to positive societal change.
Capability management is the approach to the management of an organization, typically a business organization or firm, based on the "theory of the firm" as a collection of capabilities that may be exercised to earn revenues in the marketplace and compete with other firms in the industry. Capability management seeks to manage the stock of capabilities within the firm to ensure its position in the industry and its ongoing profitability and survival.
Structural capital is one of the three primary components of intellectual capital, and consists of the supportive infrastructure, processes, and databases of the organisation that enable human capital to function. Structural capital is owned by an organization and remains with an organization even when people leave. It includes: capabilities, routines, methods, procedures and methodologies embedded in organisation.
Relational capital is one of the three primary components of intellectual capital, and is the value inherent in a company's relationships with its customers, vendors, and other important constituencies. It also includes knowledge, capabilities, procedures and systems which are developed from relationships with external agents.
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