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The Promethians are a fictional race of aliens featured in the Rifts role-playing game from Palladium Books. They reside in an intergalactic region of space known as the Three Galaxies, which is located in an extradimensional universe. Promethians first appeared in Rifts Dimension Book Two: Phase World, authored by C. J. Carella and published December 1994.

Extraterrestrial life Lifeform that does not originate from Earth

Extraterrestrial life, also called alien life, is life that occurs outside of Earth and that did not originate from Earth. These hypothetical life forms may range from simple prokaryotes to beings with civilizations far more advanced than humanity. The Drake equation speculates about the existence of intelligent life elsewhere in the universe. The science of extraterrestrial life in all its forms is known as exobiology.

<i>Rifts</i> (role-playing game)

Rifts is a multi-genre role-playing game created by Kevin Siembieda in August 1990 and published continuously by Palladium Books since then. Rifts takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, deriving elements from cyberpunk, science fiction, fantasy, horror, western, mythology and many other genres.

Role-playing game Game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting

A role-playing game is a game in which players assume the roles of characters in a fictional setting. Players take responsibility for acting out these roles within a narrative, either through literal acting, or through a process of structured decision-making regarding character development. Actions taken within many games succeed or fail according to a formal system of rules and guidelines.


Planetary government

The Promethians are the natives of a planet called Phase World, and are the undisputed masters and administrators of the transdimensional city of Center, a super-metropolis that stands thousands of feet high and covers many tens of miles in land area. The Promethians allow only the Draconid and Phantom races to co-exist outside of this massive arcology; the rest of the populace is not allowed to roam any part of Phase World's surface outside of Center – which holds over 600 million inhabitants from species throughout the Palladium Megaverse.

Metropolis very large and significant city or urban area usually with millions of inhabitants

A metropolis is a large city or conurbation which is a significant economic, political, and cultural center for a country or region, and an important hub for regional or international connections, commerce, and communications. The term is Ancient Greek (μητρόπολις) and means the "mother city" of a colony, that is, the city which sent out settlers. This was later generalized to a city regarded as a center of a specified activity, or any large, important city in a nation.


Arcology, a portmanteau of "architecture" and "ecology", is a field of creating architectural design principles for very densely populated, ecologically low-impact human habitats.

For reasons unknown, the Promethians do very little to restrict activities within Center itself; absolutely anything is allowed within the arcology, including but not limited to mass starvation, slavery, murder, and cannibalism. The only time that the Promethians show any interest in the goings-on of Center is when an enemy force tries to take control of the transdimensional spacegates and rifts, or when a conquering force attempts to take over Phase World altogether. On one occasion, the Promethians allowed a civil war to be waged for two years within Center's confines, killing over thirty million of its inhabitants; the Promethians' only course of action was to selectively apply a series of force fields to keep the fighting from reaching the spaceports or from breaking out of Center and spilling out onto the planet's surface. Furthermore, the Promethians are well known for selling their technology to any buyer that can afford it, friend or foe, and in similar fashion neither help nor hinder fugitives that manage to reach Center – or any bounty hunters and law enforcement agents that may be pursuing them.

Starvation severe deficiency in caloric energy, nutrient, and vitamin intake

Starvation is a severe deficiency in caloric energy intake, below the level needed to maintain an organism's life. It is the most extreme form of malnutrition. In humans, prolonged starvation can cause permanent organ damage and eventually, death. The term inanition refers to the symptoms and effects of starvation. Starvation may also be used as a means of torture or execution.

Slavery System under which people are treated as property to be bought and sold, and are forced to work

Slavery is any system in which principles of property law are applied to people, allowing individuals to own, buy and sell other individuals, as a de jure form of property. A slave is unable to withdraw unilaterally from such an arrangement and works without remuneration. Many scholars now use the term chattel slavery to refer to this specific sense of legalised, de jure slavery. In a broader sense, however, the word slavery may also refer to any situation in which an individual is de facto forced to work against their own will. Scholars also use the more generic terms such as unfree labour or forced labour to refer to such situations. However, and especially under slavery in broader senses of the word, slaves may have some rights and protections according to laws or customs.

Murder Unlawful killing of a human with malice aforethought

Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought. This state of mind may, depending upon the jurisdiction, distinguish murder from other forms of unlawful homicide, such as manslaughter. Manslaughter is a killing committed in the absence of malice, brought about by reasonable provocation, or diminished capacity. Involuntary manslaughter, where it is recognized, is a killing that lacks all but the most attenuated guilty intent, recklessness.

It is strongly implied that the Promethians are concerned first and foremost about cosmic-level threats to the entire Megaverse, such as the effort to keep the Old Ones from waking, and that "little things" like world-spanning wars and "morality" are simply too much of a distraction from the importance of their universal mission.

The Old Ones are a fictional race of Alien Intelligences within the megaversal setting of Palladium Books' game module PFRPG. The Old Ones are the most powerful forces ever to have existed in the various Palladium game settings, and their power dwarfs that of 'ordinary' Alien Intelligences, beings which are in general far more powerful than the gods themselves.

Morality Differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are proper and those that are improper

Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions and actions between those that are distinguished as proper and those that are improper. Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal. Morality may also be specifically synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness".

Powers and abilities

Promethians are a notable species in that they are always in a constant state of partial phase – unlike most characters in contemporary literature with the ability to phase – which serves to greatly reduce any damage dealt to them. Furthermore, by using the natural phase powers innate to their species, they can at times opt to completely phase themselves, eliminating any threat to their person by phasing out of sync with the dimension that they're in. This allows them to choose whether to walk through solid matter or to render themselves completely invisible and undetectable by all means, including magic.

The Promethians exist in two forms: namely, first- and second-stage Promethians. First-stage Promethians are 7 feet (2.1 m) to 10 feet (3.0 m) tall, are entirely "human" in the range of possible outlooks and alignments, and the natural phase abilities of their bodies renders any force or energies directed against them to cause no more than a point-for-point conversion to "Standard Damage Capacity" (termed S.D.C. in the Palladium game setting), no matter how powerful the originating force.

Those Promethians that manage to survive and pass the Test of Maturity are transformed into larger, more durable versions of their old selves that range from 15 feet (4.6 m) to 30 feet (9.1 m) in height. These creatures are immune to S.D.C. weapons; they each gain up to 2,400 points of what is termed "Mega Damage Capacity" (M.D.C.), and all attacks directed at them inflict only one-quarter damage, no matter how powerful the originating force. Second-stage Promethians make up the majority of the Promethians on the planet outside Center (actually, second-stage Promethians are found nowhere else in the Megaverse except on Phase World), and it is they who are the ones tasked with the universal mission of identifying and countering the greatest threats to the Megaverse. Second-stagers are also the ones who are possessed of "an alien way of thinking" [1] and do not live by morals as most other sentient beings understand them; they are prepared to do whatever it takes to safeguard the Megaverse, even if their actions appear "evil" to outside observers.

Evil profound immorality

Evil, in a general sense, is the opposite or absence of good. It can be an extremely broad concept, though in everyday usage is often used more narrowly to denote profound wickedness. It is generally seen as taking multiple possible forms, such as the form of personal moral evil commonly associated with the word, or impersonal natural evil, and in religious thought, the form of the demonic or supernatural/eternal.

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Palladium Books company

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  1. Carella, C. J.; Siembieda, K. (December 1994). Rifts Dimension Book Two: Phase World. Taylor, MI: Palladium Books. ISBN   0-916211-73-8.