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Pseudo-Epiphanius is the name given to an anonymous eighth-century Christian author of a selection of legends about the lives of the twelve apostles. [1] [2] [3]

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  1. Enrico Mazza (1995). The Origins of Eucharistic Prayer. Liturgical Press. pp. 119–. ISBN   978-0-8146-6119-2 . Retrieved 13 November 2012.
  2. Robert V. Hotchkiss (1974). A Pseudo-Epiphanius testimony book. Society of Biblical Literature. ISBN   9780884140436 . Retrieved 13 November 2012.
  3. Peter Megill Peterson (1958). Andrew, Brother of Simon Peter. Brill Archive. pp. 18–. GGKEY:NDAX1JCBZUT. Retrieved 13 November 2012. "Pseudo-Epiphanios, as he is now called, was the first to introduce into the stories about Andrew or the Twelve the statement that he appointed Stachys the first bishop for Byzantium. His reference to an older tradition is primarily to the Acts and "