Quasi-Hopf algebra

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A quasi-Hopf algebra is a generalization of a Hopf algebra, which was defined by the Russian mathematician Vladimir Drinfeld in 1989.


A quasi-Hopf algebra is a quasi-bialgebra for which there exist and a bijective antihomomorphism S (antipode) of such that

for all and where


where the expansions for the quantities and are given by


As for a quasi-bialgebra, the property of being quasi-Hopf is preserved under twisting.


Quasi-Hopf algebras form the basis of the study of Drinfeld twists and the representations in terms of F-matrices associated with finite-dimensional irreducible representations of quantum affine algebra. F-matrices can be used to factorize the corresponding R-matrix. This leads to applications in Statistical mechanics, as quantum affine algebras, and their representations give rise to solutions of the Yang–Baxter equation, a solvability condition for various statistical models, allowing characteristics of the model to be deduced from its corresponding quantum affine algebra. The study of F-matrices has been applied to models such as the Heisenberg XXZ model in the framework of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. It provides a framework for solving two-dimensional integrable models by using the quantum inverse scattering method.

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