Rabbinical College of Pretoria

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The Rabbinical College of Pretoria (Hebrew Yeshiva LeRabbonus Pretoria) is a Chabad Yeshiva in Pretoria, South Africa.



It was established in 2001 under the inspiration of late Chief Rabbi Cyril Harris. The Yeshiva was originally headed by Rabbi Levi Wineberg. It is now[ when? ] under Rabbis Chaim Finkelstein and Gidon Fox, with Rabbi Yosef Kesseleman as Mashpia; and sometimes known as Machon L'Hora'ah Pretoria.


Since the Yeshiva focuses on semicha (ordination), all students have studied at other institutions for several years.

After successfully completing the one-year programme, students receive semicha from both the Yeshiva and until his passing the renowned Posek Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg (previously granted by Rabbi Yaacov Warhaftig of Machon Ariel in Jerusalem. [1] ) To date[ when? ] 98 Rabbis have been ordained at the Yeshiva. [2]

There is a one-year “pre-Semicha” program, also, which covers practical areas of Halakha, Jewish Law, additional to the “regular” components of Semicha. [3]

The Yeshiva is an important[ according to whom? ] component of the Pretoria Jewish community - there is daily interaction between students and congregants, and one-on-one torah study with members of the community every evening.[ citation needed ]

See also

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  1. http://www.rabbis.org/pdfs/ApprovedYeshivot.pdf [ bare URL PDF ]
  2. "Pretoria Hebrew Congregation - Machon l'Hora'ah". www.phc.org.za. Archived from the original on 21 May 2008. Retrieved 12 January 2022.
  3. "Yeshiva LeRabbonus Pretoria Ordains 19 Rabbis". 16 September 2019.