Radium fad

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Photo card dated 1931 depicting Johana radium spring, in what is now Nanto, Toyama Prefecture, Japan Johana radium spring in 1931.jpg
Photo card dated 1931 depicting Jōhana radium spring, in what is now Nanto, Toyama Prefecture, Japan

The radium fad or radium craze of the early 20th century was an early form of radioactive quackery that resulted in widespread marketing of radium-infused products as being beneficial to health. [1] Many radium products contained no actual radium, in part because it was prohibitively expensive, which turned out to be a grace, as high levels of radium exposure can result in radiation-induced cancer. [2]


The fad began to fizzle out following the emergence of research that radium could be hazardous to health, and high-profile cases such as the Radium Girls and the death of Eben Byers, which proved this fact. [3] [4]

In the United States, the 1938 Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act outlawed deceptive packaging, further preventing companies being able to use radium as a marketing tool. [3]

Radium-infused products

Radium was added to, or used to market, a number of consumer goods. These included cosmetics, such as the brand Tho-Radia, [3] toothpaste, hair cream, and hemorrhoid cream. [4]

Radium was also used to market foods and drinks, although products such as Radium Brand Creamery Butter did not actually contain any radium. [4] Radithor, an "energy drink" of distilled water with traces of radium, was marketed as a panacea. [3] One of its most famous advocates, golfer Eben Byers, died in 1932 of radium poisoning through his consumption of the product. [3] [4] A number of water sources (such as bottlers or artesian hot-spring spa hotels) rebranded themselves as "radium water" or radium springs to capitalize on the craze. [5]

Radium was also used to give products a glowing appearance, as in the case of watches painted with radium-containing paint. [3]

Radium was also used in some ceramics, including in the production of radium water crocks, whose purpose was to irradiate drinking water. [4]

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Radon is a chemical element; it has symbol Rn and atomic number 86. It is a radioactive noble gas and is colorless and odorless. Of the three naturally occurring radon isotopes, only 222Rn has a sufficiently long half-life for it to be released from the soil and rock where it is generated. Radon isotopes are the immediate decay products of radium isotopes. The instability of 222Rn, its most stable isotope, makes radon one of the rarest elements. Radon will be present on Earth for several billion more years despite its short half-life, because it is constantly being produced as a step in the decay chains of 238U and 232Th, of which both are abundant radioactive nuclides with half-lives of at least several billion years. The decay of radon produces many other short-lived nuclides, known as "radon daughters", ending at stable isotopes of lead. 222Rn occurs in significant quantities as a step in the normal radioactive decay chain of 238U, also known as the uranium series, which slowly decays into a variety of radioactive nuclides and eventually decays into stable 206Pb. 220Rn occurs in minute quantities as an intermediate step in the decay chain of 232Th, also known as the thorium series, which eventually decays into stable 208Pb.

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Radium-226 is the longest-lived isotope of radium, with a half-life of 1600 years. It is an intermediate product in the decay chain of uranium-238; as such, it can be found naturally in uranium-containing minerals.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tho-Radia</span>

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William John Aloysius Bailey was an American patent medicine inventor and salesman. A Harvard University dropout, Bailey falsely claimed to be a doctor of medicine and promoted the use of radioactive radium as a cure for coughs, flu, and other common ailments. Although Bailey's Radium Laboratories in East Orange, New Jersey, was continually investigated by the Federal Trade Commission, he died wealthy from his many devices and products, including an aphrodisiac called Arium, marketed as a restorative that "renewed happiness and youthful thrill into the lives of married peoples whose attractions to each other had weakened."

The history of radiation therapy or radiotherapy can be traced back to experiments made soon after the discovery of X-rays (1895), when it was shown that exposure to radiation produced cutaneous burns. Influenced by electrotherapy and escharotics—the medical application of caustic substances—doctors began using radiation to treat growths and lesions produced by diseases such as lupus, basal cell carcinoma, and epithelioma. Radiation was generally believed to have bactericidal properties, so when radium was discovered, in addition to treatments similar to those used with x-rays, it was also used as an additive to medical treatments for diseases such as tuberculosis where there were resistant bacilli.


  1. Suihkonen, Andrea (2021-04-16). "Atomic Panacea: The Radium Fad of the Early 20th Century". UWM Undergraduate Research Symposium.
  2. ""Get Me A Radium Highball!": New York and the Radium Craze". New-York Historical Society (nyhistory.org). Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Prisco, Jacopo (2020-03-03). "When beauty products were radioactive". CNN. Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Dotinga, Randy (2020-02-15). "The lethal legacy of early 20th-century radiation quackery". The Washington Post. Retrieved 2024-01-21.
  5. "Before 'raw water,' radium water was the craze — and then people died". Chicago Tribune. 2018-03-03. Retrieved 2024-01-21.