Rebecca Doerge

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Rebecca Whitbeck Doerge

Rebecca Whitbeck Doerge is an American researcher in statistical bioinformatics, known for her research on quantitative traits. She is currently the provost at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. [1] She was previously the Trent and Judith Anderson Distinguished Professor of Statistics at Purdue University and then dean of the Mellon College of Science at Carnegie Mellon University, with joint appointments in the departments of biology and statistics. [2]


Education and career

Doerge was born in Stamford, New York. After graduating in mathematics from the University of Utah in 1986, she earned a master's degree in statistics from Utah in 1988, advised there by Simon Tavaré. [3] She then completed a Ph.D. in statistics from North Carolina State University in 1993. Her dissertation, supervised by Bruce Weir, was Statistical Methods for Locating Quantitative Trait Loci with Molecular Markers. [3] [4]

After postdoctoral research with Gary Churchill at Cornell University, Doerge joined the Purdue University faculty in 1995. She chaired the Department of Statistics there from 2010 to 2015, and was appointed as Anderson Distinguished Professor in 2011. [3] She moved to Carnegie Mellon to become dean in 2016. [2]

Awards and honors

Doerge became a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and of the American Statistical Association in 2007. [3]

Selected publications



Related Research Articles

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Complex traits</span>

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Genomic control (GC) is a statistical method that is used to control for the confounding effects of population stratification in genetic association studies. The method was originally outlined by Bernie Devlin and Kathryn Roeder in a 1999 paper. It involves using a set of anonymous genetic markers to estimate the effect of population structure on the distribution of the chi-square statistic. The distribution of the chi-square statistics for a given allele that is suspected to be associated with a given trait can then be compared to the distribution of the same statistics for an allele that is expected not to be related to the trait. The method is supposed to involve the use of markers that are not linked to the marker being tested for a possible association. In theory, it takes advantage of the tendency of population structure to cause overdispersion of test statistics in association analyses. The genomic control method is as robust as family-based designs, despite being applied to population-based data. It has the potential to lead to a decrease in statistical power to detect a true association, and it may also fail to eliminate the biasing effects of population stratification. A more robust form of the genomic control method can be performed by expressing the association being studied as two Cochran–Armitage trend tests, and then applying the method to each test separately.

In quantitative genetics, QST is a statistic intended to measure the degree of genetic differentiation among populations with regard to a quantitative trait. It was developed by Ken Spitze in 1993. Its name reflects that QST was intended to be analogous to the fixation index for a single genetic locus (FST). QST is often compared with FST of neutral loci to test if variation in a quantitative trait is a result of divergent selection or genetic drift, an analysis known as QST–FST comparisons.


  1. "Rebecca W. Doerge Named Provost of RPI", RPI News, June 21, 2023, retrieved 2023-11-27
  2. 1 2 "Rebecca Doerge Appointed Dean of Mellon College of Science", Carnegie Mellon University News, May 25, 2016, retrieved 2017-10-26
  3. 1 2 3 4 Curriculum vitae (PDF), January 12, 2016, retrieved 2017-10-26
  4. Rebecca Doerge at the Mathematics Genealogy Project
  5. Reviews for Statistics at the Bench: Ian White (February 2011), Genetics Research 93 (1): 91, doi:10.1017/S0016672310000698; Craig Paul (May 2011), Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 39: 242–243, doi:10.1002/bmb.20497.