Redshift conjecture

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In mathematics, more specifically in chromatic homotopy theory, the redshift conjecture states, roughly, that algebraic K-theory has chromatic level one higher than that of a complex-oriented ring spectrum R. [1] It was formulated by John Rognes in a lecture at Schloss Ringberg, Germany, in January 1999, and made more precise by him in a lecture at Mathematische Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, in September 2000. [2] In July 2022, Burklund, Schlank and Yuan announced a solution of a version of the redshift conjecture for arbitrary -ring spectra, after Hahn and Wilson did so earlier in the case of the truncated Brown-Peterson spectra BP<n>. [3]


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  1. Lawson, Tyler (2013). "Future directions" (PDF). Talbot 2013: Chromatic Homotopy Theory. MIT Talbot Workshop.
  2. Rognes, John (2000). "Algebraic K-theory of finitely presented ring spectra" (PDF). Oberwolfach talk.
  3. Burklund, Schlank, Yuan (2022). The Chromatic Nullstellensatz

Further reading