Reflectometric interference spectroscopy (RIfS) is a physical method based on the interference of white light at thin films, which is used to investigate molecular interaction.
The underlying measuring principle corresponds to that of the Michelson interferometer.
White light is directed vertically onto a multiple-layer system of a SiO2, a high-refractive Ta2O5 and an additional SiO2 layer (this additional layer can be chemically modified). The partial beams of the white light are reflected at each phase boundary and then refracted (transmitted). These reflected partial beams superimpose which results in an interference spectrum that is detected using a diode array spectrometer.
Through chemical modification the upper SiO2 layer is changed in a way to allow interaction with target molecules. This interaction causes a change in the thickness of the physical layer d and the refractive index n within this layer. The product of both defines the optical thickness of the layer: n • d.
A change in the optical thickness results in a modulation of the interference spectrum. Monitoring this change over time allows to observe the binding behaviour of the target molecules.
RIfS is used especially as a detection method in chemo- and biosensors.
Chemosensors are particularly suitable for measurements under difficult conditions and in the gaseous phase. As sensitive layers, mostly non-selective measuring polymers are used which sort the analytes according to size (the so-called molecular sieve effect when using microporous polymers) or according to polarity (e.g. functionalized polydimethylsiloxanes). When performing non-selective measurements, a sum signal from several analytes is measured which means that multivariate data analyses such as neural networks have to be used for quantification. However, it is also possible to use selectively measuring polymers, so-called molecular imprinted polymers (MIPs) which provide artificial recognition elements.
When using biosensors, polymers such as polyethylene glycols or dextrans are applied onto the layer system, and on these recognition elements for biomolecules are immobilized. Basically, any molecule can be used as recognition element (proteins such as antibodies, DNA/RNA such as aptamers, small organic molecules such as estrone, but also lipids such as phospholipid membranes).
RIfS, like SPR is a label-free technique, which allows the time-resolved observation of interaction among the binding partners without the use of fluorescence or radioactive labels.
A sensor is a device that produces an output signal for the purpose of detecting a physical phenomenon.
A biosensor is an analytical device, used for the detection of a chemical substance, that combines a biological component with a physicochemical detector. The sensitive biological element, e.g. tissue, microorganisms, organelles, cell receptors, enzymes, antibodies, nucleic acids, etc., is a biologically derived material or biomimetic component that interacts with, binds with, or recognizes the analyte under study. The biologically sensitive elements can also be created by biological engineering. The transducer or the detector element, which transforms one signal into another one, works in a physicochemical way: optical, piezoelectric, electrochemical, electrochemiluminescence etc., resulting from the interaction of the analyte with the biological element, to easily measure and quantify. The biosensor reader device connects with the associated electronics or signal processors that are primarily responsible for the display of the results in a user-friendly way. This sometimes accounts for the most expensive part of the sensor device, however it is possible to generate a user friendly display that includes transducer and sensitive element. The readers are usually custom-designed and manufactured to suit the different working principles of biosensors.
Nanosensors are nanoscale devices that measure physical quantities and convert these to signals that can be detected and analyzed. There are several ways proposed today to make nanosensors; these include top-down lithography, bottom-up assembly, and molecular self-assembly. There are different types of nanosensors in the market and in development for various applications, most notably in defense, environmental, and healthcare industries. These sensors share the same basic workflow: a selective binding of an analyte, signal generation from the interaction of the nanosensor with the bio-element, and processing of the signal into useful metrics.
Molecular imprinting is a technique to create template-shaped cavities in polymer matrices with predetermined selectivity and high affinity. This technique is based on the system used by enzymes for substrate recognition, which is called the "lock and key" model. The active binding site of an enzyme has a shape specific to a substrate. Substrates with a complementary shape to the binding site selectively bind to the enzyme; alternative shapes that do not fit the binding site are not recognized.
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is a phenomenon that occurs where electrons in a thin metal sheet become excited by light that is directed to the sheet with a particular angle of incidence, and then travel parallel to the sheet. Assuming a constant light source wavelength and that the metal sheet is thin, the angle of incidence that triggers SPR is related to the refractive index of the material and even a small change in the refractive index will cause SPR to not be observed. This makes SPR a possible technique for detecting particular substances (analytes) and SPR biosensors have been developed to detect various important biomarkers.
Biacore was a life science products company based in Sweden. In June 2006 Biacore was sold for $390 million and became a product brand under GE Healthcare life Sciences, which became Cytiva in April 2020.
A molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) is a polymer that has been processed using the molecular imprinting technique which leaves cavities in the polymer matrix with an affinity for a chosen "template" molecule. The process usually involves initiating the polymerization of monomers in the presence of a template molecule that is extracted afterwards, leaving behind complementary cavities. These polymers have affinity for the original molecule and have been used in applications such as chemical separations, catalysis, or molecular sensors. Published works on the topic date to the 1930s.
A molecular sensor or chemosensor is a molecular structure that is used for sensing of an analyte to produce a detectable change or a signal. The action of a chemosensor, relies on an interaction occurring at the molecular level, usually involves the continuous monitoring of the activity of a chemical species in a given matrix such as solution, air, blood, tissue, waste effluents, drinking water, etc. The application of chemosensors is referred to as chemosensing, which is a form of molecular recognition. All chemosensors are designed to contain a signalling moiety and a recognition moiety, that is connected either directly to each other or through a some kind of connector or a spacer. The signalling is often optically based electromagnetic radiation, giving rise to changes in either the ultraviolet and visible absorption or the emission properties of the sensors. Chemosensors may also be electrochemically based. Small molecule sensors are related to chemosensors. These are traditionally, however, considered as being structurally simple molecules and reflect the need to form chelating molecules for complexing ions in analytical chemistry. Chemosensors are synthetic analogues of biosensors, the difference being that biosensors incorporate biological receptors such as antibodies, aptamers or large biopolymers.
Bio-layer interferometry (BLI) is an optical biosensing technology that analyzes biomolecular interactions in real-time without the need for fluorescent labeling. Alongside Surface Plasmon Resonance, BLI is one of few widely available label-free biosensing technologies, a detection style that yields more information in less time than traditional processes. The technology relies on the phase shift-wavelength correlation created between interference patterns off of two unique surfaces on the tip of a biosensor. BLI has significant applications in quantifying binding strength, measuring protein interactions, and identifying properties of reaction kinetics, such as rate constants and reaction rates.
A holographic sensor is a device that comprises a hologram embedded in a smart material that detects certain molecules or metabolites. This detection is usually a chemical interaction that is transduced as a change in one of the properties of the holographic reflection, either refractive index or spacing between the holographic fringes. The specificity of the sensor can be controlled by adding molecules in the polymer film that selectively interacts with the molecules of interest.
Fluorescent glucose biosensors are devices that measure the concentration of glucose in diabetic patients by means of sensitive protein that relays the concentration by means of fluorescence, an alternative to amperometric sension of glucose. Due to the prevalence of diabetes, it is the prime drive in the construction of fluorescent biosensors. A recent development has been approved by the FDA allowing a new continuous glucose monitoring system called EverSense, which is a 90-day glucose monitor using fluorescent biosensors.
There are many methods to investigate protein–protein interactions which are the physical contacts of high specificity established between two or more protein molecules involving electrostatic forces and hydrophobic effects. Each of the approaches has its own strengths and weaknesses, especially with regard to the sensitivity and specificity of the method. A high sensitivity means that many of the interactions that occur are detected by the screen. A high specificity indicates that most of the interactions detected by the screen are occurring in reality.
A biotransducer is the recognition-transduction component of a biosensor system. It consists of two intimately coupled parts; a bio-recognition layer and a physicochemical transducer, which acting together converts a biochemical signal to an electronic or optical signal. The bio-recognition layer typically contains an enzyme or another binding protein such as antibody. However, oligonucleotide sequences, sub-cellular fragments such as organelles and receptor carrying fragments, single whole cells, small numbers of cells on synthetic scaffolds, or thin slices of animal or plant tissues, may also comprise the bio-recognition layer. It gives the biosensor selectivity and specificity. The physicochemical transducer is typically in intimate and controlled contact with the recognition layer. As a result of the presence and biochemical action of the analyte, a physico-chemical change is produced within the biorecognition layer that is measured by the physicochemical transducer producing a signal that is proportionate to the concentration of the analyte. The physicochemical transducer may be electrochemical, optical, electronic, gravimetric, pyroelectric or piezoelectric. Based on the type of biotransducer, biosensors can be classified as shown to the right.
An electro-switchable biosurface is a biosensor that is based on an electrode to which a layer of biomolecules has been tethered. An alternating or fixed electrical potential is applied to the electrode which causes changes in the structure and position (movement) of the charged biomolecules. The biosensor is used in science, e.g. biomedical and biophysical research or drug discovery, to assess interactions between biomolecules and binding kinetics as well as changes in size or conformation of biomolecules.
A chemiresistor is a material that changes its electrical resistance in response to changes in the nearby chemical environment. Chemiresistors are a class of chemical sensors that rely on the direct chemical interaction between the sensing material and the analyte. The sensing material and the analyte can interact by covalent bonding, hydrogen bonding, or molecular recognition. Several different materials have chemiresistor properties: semiconducting metal oxides, some conductive polymers, and nanomaterials like graphene, carbon nanotubes and nanoparticles. Typically these materials are used as partially selective sensors in devices like electronic tongues or electronic noses.
A field-effect transistor-based biosensor, also known as a biosensor field-effect transistor, field-effect biosensor (FEB), or biosensor MOSFET, is a field-effect transistor that is gated by changes in the surface potential induced by the binding of molecules. When charged molecules, such as biomolecules, bind to the FET gate, which is usually a dielectric material, they can change the charge distribution of the underlying semiconductor material resulting in a change in conductance of the FET channel. A Bio-FET consists of two main compartments: one is the biological recognition element and the other is the field-effect transistor. The BioFET structure is largely based on the ion-sensitive field-effect transistor (ISFET), a type of metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) where the metal gate is replaced by an ion-sensitive membrane, electrolyte solution, and reference electrode.
Multi-parametric surface plasmon resonance (MP-SPR) is based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR), an established real-time label-free method for biomolecular interaction analysis, but it uses a different optical setup, a goniometric SPR configuration. While MP-SPR provides same kinetic information as SPR, it provides also structural information. Hence, MP-SPR measures both surface interactions and nanolayer properties.
Single colour reflectometry (SCORE), formerly known as imaging Reflectometric Interferometry (iRIf) and 1-lambda Reflectometry, is a physical method based on interference of monochromatic light at thin films, which is used to investigate (bio-)molecular interactions. The obtained binding curves using SCORE provide detailed information on kinetics and thermodynamics of the observed interaction(s) as well as on concentrations of the used analytes. These data can be relevant for pharmaceutical screening and drug design, biosensors and other biomedical applications, diagnostics, and cell-based assays.
A chemical sensor array is a sensor architecture with multiple sensor components that create a pattern for analyte detection from the additive responses of individual sensor components. There exist several types of chemical sensor arrays including electronic, optical, acoustic wave, and potentiometric devices. These chemical sensor arrays can employ multiple sensor types that are cross-reactive or tuned to sense specific analytes.
Grating-coupled interferometry (GCI) is a biophysical characterization method mainly used in biochemistry and drug discovery for label-free analysis of molecular interactions. Similar to other optical methods such as surface plasmon resonance (SPR) or bio-layer interferometry (BLI), it is based on measuring refractive index changes within an evanescent field near a sensor surface. After immobilizing a target to the sensor surface, analyte molecules in solution which bind to that target cause a small increase in local refractive index. By monitoring these refractive changes over time characteristics such as kinetic rates and affinity constants of the analyte-target binding, or analyte concentrations, can be determined.