Renate Hoffleit

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Renate Hoffleit in 1992 Renate Hoffleit (1992).jpg
Renate Hoffleit in 1992

Renate Hoffleit (born 1950 in Stuttgart) is a German sculptor and artist. She lives and works mainly in Stuttgart, Germany.



Renate Hoffleit, das goldene ei, Aichtal/Landkreis Boblingen, Germany Das goldene ei.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, das goldene ei, Aichtal/Landkreis Böblingen, Germany

Renate Hoffleit studied graphics, free graphic art and sculpture at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart. From 1979 onwards, she developed her marble and light sculptures, [1] and since 1987 she has created square design, sculptures and fountains in public spaces. [2] [3] She started her site-specific audio-visual installation Vertonungen in 1992. Since 1993, she has been working with Michael Bach Bachtischa creating site-specific sound installations and string installations, accompanied by performances. [4]


Renate Hoffleit's works are on display at home and abroad.

Renate Hoffleit, Mittags-Stele, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart MITTAGS-STELE.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, Mittags-Stele, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart

Works exhibited in museums and public collections

Works in public spaces

Renate Hoffleit, Skulpturenfeld, Amts- und Landessozialgericht Stuttgart SKULPTURENFELD.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, Skulpturenfeld, Amts- und Landessozialgericht Stuttgart
Renate Hoffleit, Convexe-Concave La Tour, residence near Nice, France CONVEXE-CONCAVE La Tour.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, Convexe-Concave La Tour, residence near Nice, France

Audio-visual works

String Installations

Renate Hoffleit and Michael Bach Bachtischa, genius loci gehort, String Installation, Domnick Foundation, Nurtingen, Germany Genius loci gehort.jpg
Renate Hoffleit and Michael Bach Bachtischa, genius loci gehört, String Installation, Domnick Foundation, Nürtingen, Germany

In collaboration with Michael Bach Bachtischa

Awards, prizes and scholarships

Renate Hoffleit, water stills and sounds, tableaux with video-stills, detail Water stills and sounds, Detail.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, water stills and sounds, tableaux with video-stills, detail
Renate Hoffleit, alb-eier, Der grosse Albgang, Landkreis Esslingen, Germany Alb-eier.jpg
Renate Hoffleit, alb-eier, Der große Albgang, Landkreis Esslingen, Germany

For her artistic work, Renate Hoffleit obtained scholarships from the Kunstfonds e.V., Bonn foundation and Kunststiftung Baden-Wuerttemberg as well as scholarships for study visits at the Deutsche Akademie Villa Massimo Casa Baldi, Olevano, Italy, and the Djerassi Foundation, USA, among others. She received the Utsukushi-ga-hara Museum Award, Japan, for her Konvex-Konkav sculpture made of light-reflecting, polished bronze. For their audio projects, Renate Hoffleit and Michael Bach Bachtischa obtained support from the Irish Arts Council, Ireland, the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and the Innovationsfonds Kunst Baden-Wuerttemberg, among others.

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  1. Renate Hoffleit, Skulpturen, Galerie Mühlenbusch, Düsseldorf, Germany, ISBN   3-980-19970-3
  2. Stadt Stuttgart, Kunst im öffentlichen Raum |
  3. Renate Hoffleit - Wiesen-Eier / Das goldene Ei |
  4. Donaueschinger Musiktage 2000, ISBN   3-89727-128-1