Roger Collins

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Roger J. H. Collins (born 2 September 1949 [1] ) is an English medievalist, currently an honorary fellow in history at the University of Edinburgh.


Collins studied at the University of Oxford (Queen's and Saint Cross Colleges) under Peter Brown and John Michael Wallace-Hadrill. He then taught ancient and medieval history at the universities of Liverpool and Bristol. He arrived at the University of Edinburgh in 1994 and joined the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities before becoming an honorary fellow in the Department of History (now the School of History, Classics and Archaeology) in 1998.

His research has primarily concerned the Early Middle Ages, with an emphasis on Spain, but also the Franks. His studies on the Basques and the Papacy (ongoing) have extended beyond this medieval period into the modern. His most recent publication is a book on the seventh- and eighth-century versions of the Chronicle of Fredegar for the Monumenta Germaniae Historica .

Select bibliography

The following select list of writing. Only first printings and English versions are noted, as well as the latest revisions.


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