SET domain containing protein 1A

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SET domain containing protein 1A (SETD1A) is a protein that serves as a component of a histone methyltransferase (HMT) complex that produces mono-, di-, and trimethylated histone H3 at the lys4 residue (K4). SETD1A is highly homologous with SETDB1 but has a distinct subnuclear distribution. [1]


Clinical significance

Mutations of the SETD1A gene can cause neurodevelopmental disorder with speech impairment and dysmorphic facies (NEDSID) discovered in 2021, [2] and early-onset epilepsy with or without developmental delay, first described in 2019. [3]

According to a review published in 2018, mutations of the SETD1A gene may increase the risk of schizophrenia, based on studies available up to that date. [4]


The protein was first described in human in 2003 by Wysocka et al.

See also

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  3. Yu X, Yang L, Li J, Li W, Li D, Wang R, Wu K, Chen W, Zhang Y, Qiu Z, Zhou W (December 2019). "De Novo and Inherited SETD1A Variants in Early-onset Epilepsy". Neuroscience Bulletin. 35 (6): 1045–1057. doi:10.1007/s12264-019-00400-w. PMC   6864154 . PMID   31197650.
  4. Coelewij L, Curtis D (September 2018). "Mini-review: Update on the genetics of schizophrenia". Annals of Human Genetics. 82 (5): 239–243. doi:10.1111/ahg.12259. PMID   29923609. S2CID   49311660.