SN 386

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Supernova SN 386
Event type Supernova, supernova remnant   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
Type II
DateApril/May 386
Constellation Sagittarius
Right ascension 18h 11.5m [1]
Declination −19° 25 [1]
Distance14000-23000 LY
Host Milky Way
Other designationsSN 386
Preceded by SN 185
Followed by SN 393
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SN 386 is a probable transient astronomical event in the constellation Sagittarius, which appeared as a "guest star" that was reported by Chinese astronomers in 386 CE. [2]



"Emperor Xiaowu of Jin, 11th year of the Taiyuan reign period, third month. There was a guest star in Nandou [LM8] that lasted until the 6th month (Jul 13 to Aug 10), when it disappeared" (Jin shu, Tianwen zhi, ch. 13; Song shu, Tianwen zhi, ch. 25 according to Xu, Pankenier, Jiang 2000 [3] ).

Nandou, the Southern Dipper, is part of the constellation of Sagittarius. The only historical information is: Something flared up there and was visible for ~3 months. As this asterism is in or close to the bulge of the Milky Way, the object should have been bright (at least 2 mag) to be recognized against bright background of the clouds of the Milky Way.

Suggested as supernova

Due to the given duration of the appearance, this record was suggested to report a supernova. [2] Since 1976 several SNR in the relatively crowded field have been suggested as counterpart:

Suggested SNR counterparts for 386
G011.2–01.1Stephenson & Green (2002), p. 182First guess from radio data (see below)
G007.7–03.7Zhou et al. (2018)Possible after X-ray observations
G008.7–05.0Also small and at appropriate position

These remnants are valid suggestions but the supernova is supposed to be a "low luminosity SN" [4] because it lasted only for three months. Thus, a classical nova would also be possible. [5]

Suggested as classical nova

The decline time of classical novae is measured typically as the duration of decline by 3 mag from peak. This so-called t3 time ranges from typical 25–30 days (a month or two) for fast novae up to ten months for the slowest known classical novae (and even longer for diffusion induced novae). [6] [7] [8] Thus, this historical transient could easily have been caused by a (fast or moderately fast) classical nova: postulating a peak brightness of (at least) 2 mag for the historical sighting and vanishing to invisibility (>5 mag) within 3 months, it could be a moderately fast nova. The brighter the peak, the faster the nova: if the peak was −1 mag (like Sirius) or −4 (like Venus) and declined to >5 mag within three months (6 mag or more in three months) it likely refers to a really fast nova. [5] Possible (and certainly not the only) candidates in the Chinese constellation of Nandou are according to: [5]

Suggested classical nova counterparts for 386
V1223 SgrIntermediate polar
V3890 SgrKnown recurrent nova
Four further symbiotic binaries

Supernova remnant: SNR G11.2-0.3

Although SN 386 was generally considered to be associated with the symmetrically 4 arcmin circular shell of a supernova remnant, SNR G11.2-0.3, [9] this theory is now thought not to be true. [10] [11] Its stellar progenitor was likely a Supernova Type II event. Recent studies give the more precise type as core-collapsed Type cIIb/Ibc. [10]

A measured mean expansion rate of this remnant shell is 0.0277±0.0180% per year, whose true diameter is now about 3.0  pc (9.8  ly ), suggesting its age is 1900±500 years. Quoted distances estimated SNR G11.2–0.3 to be about 4,900 pc (16,000 ly) away from Earth, but more recent radio observation now range between 4,400–7,000 pc (14,000–23,000 ly). [10]

Rejection of SNR G11.2–0.3's association with SN 386 is by the significant very high absorption of light (AV) between the source and Earth, which is estimated from infrared observations as about 16 magnitudes. This suggests the star would not have been visible to the naked-eye. [10]

Pulsar: PSR J1811-1926

At the centre of G11.2–0.3 is a fast rotating 65 ms neutron star observed in radio frequencies as pulsar PSR J1811-1926 or as X-ray source AX J1811-1926, which has also generated a small inner 10 to 15 arcsec pulsar wind nebula (PWN). [10] [12] This pulsar and its surrounding debris field was observed by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, when it was suggested SN 386 could have been created around the same time as the Chinese observations, [13] but more modern observed measured rotational velocities, spin down rate, and radio observations of PSR J1811-1926, indicate a much older 20,000 to 23,000 years. If true, this clearly discounts the conclusion that the pulsar is associated with SN 386. [10] The clear contradiction comparing this with the age determined by the expansion rate of the supernova remnant seems yet to be ascertained.

The distance of the pulsar was estimated in 2003 as 5,000 pc (16,000 ly). [14]

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  1. 1 2 Galactic SNRs: Detailed Listings
  2. 1 2 Clark, D. H.; Stephenson, F. R. (1976). "Which Historical New Stars were Supernovae?". Q. J. R. Astron. Soc. 17: 290. Bibcode:1976QJRAS..17..290C. The position of the star AD 386 corresponds very well with that of the SNR G11.2–0.3, and this leads us to make the tentative suggestion that this source is the remnant of the star.
  3. Zhentao Xu;, David W. Pankenier;, Yaotiao Jiang. (2000). East Asian Archaeoastronomy: Historical Records of Astronomical Observations of China, Japan, and Korea. Amsterdam: Gordon & Breach.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  4. Zhou, Ping; Vink, Jacco; Li, Geng; Domcek, Vladimír (1 September 2018). "G7.7-3.7: A Young Supernova Remnant Probably Associated with the Guest Star in 386 CE (SN 386)". The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 865 (1): L6. arXiv: 1809.03535 . Bibcode:2018ApJ...865L...6Z. doi: 10.3847/2041-8213/aae07d . S2CID   119446399.
  5. 1 2 3 Hoffmann, Susanne M.; Vogt, Nikolaus (1 July 2020). "A search for the modern counterparts of the Far Eastern guest stars 369 CE, 386 CE and 393 CE". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 497 (2): 1419–1433. arXiv: 2007.01013 . Bibcode:2020MNRAS.497.1419H. doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa1970 .
  6. Strope, Richard J.; Schaefer, Bradley E.; Henden, Arne A. (1 July 2010). "Catalog of 93 Nova Light Curves: Classification and Properties". The Astronomical Journal. 140 (1): 34–62. arXiv: 1004.3698 . Bibcode:2010AJ....140...34S. doi: 10.1088/0004-6256/140/1/34 .
  7. Hoffmann, Susanne M.; Vogt, Nikolaus (1 May 2020). "Cataclysmic variables as possible counterparts of ancient Far Eastern guest stars". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 494 (4): 5775–5786. arXiv: 2005.03733 . Bibcode:2020MNRAS.494.5775H. doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa1162 .
  8. Hoffmann, Susanne M.; Vogt, Nikolaus (1 July 2020). "Counterparts of Far Eastern Guest Stars: Novae, supernovae, or something else?". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 496 (4): 4488–4506. arXiv: 2006.00977 . Bibcode:2020MNRAS.496.4488H. doi: 10.1093/mnras/staa1685 .
  9. "SNR G11.2-0.3". SIMBAD . Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg . Retrieved 23 May 2016.
  10. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Borkowski, K. J.; Reynolds, S. P.; Roberts, M.S.E. (2016). "G11.2-0.3: the young remnant of a stripped-envelope supernova". Astrophysical Journal. 819 (2): 160. arXiv: 1602.03531 . Bibcode:2016ApJ...819..160B. doi: 10.3847/0004-637X/819/2/160 . S2CID   118348504.
  11. Kaspi, V. M.; Roberts, M. E.; Vasisht, G.; Gotthelf, E. V.; Pivovaroff, M.; Kaawai, N. (10 October 2001). "Chandra X-Ray Observations of G11.2–0.3: Implications for Pulsar Ages". The Astrophysical Journal. 560 (1): 372. arXiv: astro-ph/0107292 . Bibcode:2001ApJ...560..371K. doi:10.1086/322515. S2CID   119361956. The supernova remnant SNR G11.2–0.3 has received considerable observational attention because of the possibility that it is associated with a 'guest star' witnessed by Chinese astronomers in the year A.D. 386 (Clark & Stephenson 1977).
  12. Roberts, Mallory (April 2002). G11.2-0.3 the Remnant of SN 386 AD: Is it too good to be true?. Albuquerque, New Mexico: American Physical Society/American Astronomical Society.
  13. NASA/CXC/Eureka Scientific/M.Roberts et al, A Textbook Supernova Remnant
  14. "SIMBAD Astronomical Database". Results for PSR J1811-1926. Retrieved 23 May 2016.