Sabu also called Kem

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Sabu called Kem
High Priest of Ptah in Memphis
Dynasty 6th Dynasty
Pharaoh Pepi I?
Burial Saqqara

Sabu called Kem was High Priest of Ptah, probably during the reign of Pepi I. His precise titles include greatest of the directors of craftsmen belonging to the day of the festival of the Sun [1] (this is the main title of a high priest of Ptah), priest of Sokar in the two houses [2] and priest of Ptah. [3]

Sabu's mastaba (C 23) in Saqqara is described by Mariette. It is built of limestone. The cult chamber consists of only one room, that is decorated with agricultural scenes. [4] Here was also found a statue, showing Sabu totally naked. The statue is now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (Catalogue Generale no. 143).

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  1. Jones 2000, p. 394, no. 1457.
  2. Jones 2000, p. 572, no. 2108.
  3. Jones 2000, p. 515, no. 1928.
  4. Mariette & Maspero 1889, pp. 156–157.
