Schiller's test

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Schiller's test
Purposetest for cervical cancer

Schiller's test or Schiller's Iodine test is a medical test in which iodine solution is applied to the cervix in order to diagnose cervical cancer. [1]



Schiller's iodine solution is applied to the cervix under direct vision. Normal cervical mucosa contains glycogen and stains brown, whereas abnormal areas, such as early cervical cancer, do not take up the stain. The abnormal areas can then be biopsied and examined histologically. The composition of Schiller's iodine is the same as Lugol's iodine, the latter being more concentrated. When Schiller's iodine is not available, Lugol's iodine can be used as an alternative.

Schiller's test is not specific for cervical cancer, as areas of inflammation, ulceration and keratosis may also not take up the stain. [2]


Schiller's test is named after Dr. Walter Schiller (1887 1960). [3]

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  1. Schiller's test at Who Named It?
  2. Schiller's test at
  3. W. Schiller. Early diagnosis of carcinoma of the cervix. Surgery, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Chicago, 1933, 56: 210-222.