The Schilling telegraph is a needle telegraph invented by Pavel Schilling in the nineteenth century. It consists of a bank of needle instruments (six as developed for use in Russia) which between them display a binary code representing a letter or numeral. Signals were sent from a piano-like keyboard, and an additional circuit was provided for calling attention at the receiving end by setting off an alarm.
The code was read from the position of paper discs suspended on threads. These had different colours on the two sides. Each disc was turned by electromagnetic action on a magnetised needle.
Schilling's telegraph is one of a type called needle telegraphs. These are telegraphs that use a coil of wire as an electromagnet to deflect a small magnet shaped like a compass needle. The position of the needle imparts the telegraphed information to the person receiving the message. Schilling's 1832 demonstration telegraph in St. Petersburg used six wires for signalling, one wire for calling, and a common return, making eight wires in all. Each signal wire was connected to one of six needle instruments which together displayed a binary code. The calling wire had the same function as the ringing signal on a telephone, but in this case was connected to a seventh needle. [1]
Schilling's telegraph was developed to the stage where a project was initiated by the government to install it in Russia, but the idea was abandoned after Schilling died. See the Pavel Schilling article for more historical details. Telegraphy in Russia subsequently used more advanced designs. [2]
Each needle was hung above its coil horizontally by a silk thread. A paper disc was attached to the thread coloured white on one side and black on the other. When the coil was energised, either the black side or the white side would turn towards the observer, depending on the polarity of the applied current. [3] In some models, Schilling attached a platinum-plated wire to the thread which descended into a container of mercury. The end of the wire in the mercury was paddle shaped so that the motion of the needle was damped and oscillation suppressed. [4] Two permanently magnetised steel pins were screwed into the wooden base to hold the needle in the neutral position, that is, so that the paper disc was edge on, not displaying a colour. A second needle underneath the coil was used for better linking with these permanent magnets. [5]
For the sending equipment, the earliest demonstrations of the Schilling telegraph crudely touched the ends of the wires to the poles of the battery manually. These were connected to six separate needle instruments, rather than a bank of them in one assembly. Later, a more sophisticated arrangement was devised – messages were sent from a piano-like keyboard with alternating white and black keys. [6] There were sixteen keys altogether, each white and black pair of keys operating one of the wires. Positive or negative voltage was applied to the wire depending on whether the white or black key was pressed. Changing the colour of key used resulted in the needle swinging in the opposite direction, thus showing the opposite side of the dual-coloured disc. The polarities were arranged such that the colour of the keys corresponded to the colour of the disc displayed on the needle. [7] See Artemenko for a photograph of this equipment.
The switches underneath the keys operated in the following manner. Metal bridges fixed underneath the keys dipped into two reservoirs of mercury. One of these reservoirs was permanently connected to one or other of the battery poles depending on the colour of the key, and the other was permanently connected to one of the signal wires. [8] The keys for the common wire connect to the opposite polarity of the battery to that of the same colour of the signal wire keys. A limitation of this system is that only the set of black keys, or the set of white keys, can be used at any one time. [9] [note 1]
The calling needle was similar to the signal needles with some additional mechanical apparatus. The needle was suspended by metal wire, rather than a silk thread, and had attached to it a horizontal arm. When a call was made the arm turned and pushed over a lever with a lead weight attached which fell under gravity and released the detent of a clockwork alarm. In specifying a separate calling line and mechanism, Schilling was following the arrangements on the electrochemical telegraph of Samuel Thomas von Sömmerring. [10] Schilling had become familiar with Sömmerring's work while a diplomat in Munich and frequently visited Sömmerring to see and assist with his telegraph. [11]
The Schilling telegraph used binary coding. Each needle either displayed a disc or remained in the neutral position, corresponding to binary "1" or "0" respectively in modern notation. Six needles were needed to generate sufficient codepoints for the Russian alphabet – the modern alphabet has 33 letters, and there were even more in the nineteenth century. [12] The ability to choose between displaying the white discs or the black discs doubled the codespace, but not all codepoints were used. Codepoints that spanned the fewest keys were preferentially used. For the Latin alphabet, used in Western European countries, five needles were sufficient. [13]
Six-needle code table [14] | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Electrical telegraphy is a point-to-point text messaging system, primarily used from the 1840s until the late 20th century. It was the first electrical telecommunications system and the most widely used of a number of early messaging systems called telegraphs, that were devised to send text messages more quickly than physically carrying them. Electrical telegraphy can be considered the first example of electrical engineering.
Morse code is a telecommunications method which encodes text characters as standardized sequences of two different signal durations, called dots and dashes, or dits and dahs. Morse code is named after Samuel Morse, one of the early developers of the system adopted for electrical telegraphy.
Telegraphy is the long-distance transmission of messages where the sender uses symbolic codes, known to the recipient, rather than a physical exchange of an object bearing the message. Thus flag semaphore is a method of telegraphy, whereas pigeon post is not. Ancient signalling systems, although sometimes quite extensive and sophisticated as in China, were generally not capable of transmitting arbitrary text messages. Possible messages were fixed and predetermined, so such systems are thus not true telegraphs.
Timeline of electromagnetism and classical optics lists, within the history of electromagnetism, the associated theories, technology, and events.
A telegraph code is one of the character encodings used to transmit information by telegraphy. Morse code is the best-known such code. Telegraphy usually refers to the electrical telegraph, but telegraph systems using the optical telegraph were in use before that. A code consists of a number of code points, each corresponding to a letter of the alphabet, a numeral, or some other character. In codes intended for machines rather than humans, code points for control characters, such as carriage return, are required to control the operation of the mechanism. Each code point is made up of a number of elements arranged in a unique way for that character. There are usually two types of element, but more element types were employed in some codes not intended for machines. For instance, American Morse code had about five elements, rather than the two of International Morse Code.
Edward Davy was an English physician, scientist, and inventor who played a prominent role in the development of telegraphy, and invented an electric relay.
Automatic Warning System (AWS) is a railway safety system invented and predominantly used in the United Kingdom. It provides a train driver with an audible indication of whether the next signal they are approaching is clear or at caution. Depending on the upcoming signal state, the AWS will either produce a 'horn' sound, or a 'bell' sound. If the train driver fails to acknowledge a warning indication, an emergency brake application is initiated by the AWS. However if the driver correctly acknowledges the warning indication by pressing an acknowledgement button, then a visual 'sunflower' is displayed to the driver, as a reminder of the warning.
Baron Pavel Lvovitch Schilling (1786–1837), also known as Paul Schilling, was a Russian inventor, military officer and diplomat of Baltic German origin. The majority of his career was spent working for the imperial Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a language officer at the Russian embassy in Munich. As a military officer, he took part in the War of the Sixth Coalition against Napoleon. In his later career, he was transferred to the Asian department of the ministry and undertook a tour of Mongolia to collect ancient manuscripts.
The invention of the telephone was the culmination of work done by more than one individual, and led to an array of lawsuits relating to the patent claims of several individuals and numerous companies. Notable people included in this were Antonio Meucci, Philipp Reis, Elisha Gray and Alexander Graham Bell.
The history of telecommunication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in Africa, Asia, and the Americas. In the 1790s, the first fixed semaphore systems emerged in Europe. However, it was not until the 1830s that electrical telecommunication systems started to appear. This article details the history of telecommunication and the individuals who helped make telecommunication systems what they are today. The history of telecommunication is an important part of the larger history of communication.
The invention of radio communication was preceded by many decades of establishing theoretical underpinnings, discovery and experimental investigation of radio waves, and engineering and technical developments related to their transmission and detection. These developments allowed Guglielmo Marconi to turn radio waves into a wireless communication system.
The timeline of radio lists within the history of radio, the technology and events that produced instruments that use radio waves and activities that people undertook. Later, the history is dominated by programming and contents, which is closer to general history.
The Signal Corps in the American Civil War comprised two organizations: the U.S. Army Signal Corps, which began with the appointment of Major Albert J. Myer as its first signal officer just before the war and remains an entity to this day, and the Confederate States Army Signal Corps, a much smaller group of officers and men, using similar organizations and techniques as their Union opponents. Both accomplished tactical and strategic communications for the warring armies, including electromagnetic telegraphy and aerial telegraphy. Although both services had an implicit mission of battlefield observation, intelligence gathering, and artillery fire direction from their elevated signal stations, the Confederate Signal Corps also included an explicit espionage function.
The Quadruplex telegraph is a type of electrical telegraph which allows a total of four separate signals to be transmitted and received on a single wire at the same time. Quadruplex telegraphy thus implements a form of multiplexing.
The Cooke and Wheatstone telegraph was an early electrical telegraph system dating from the 1830s invented by English inventor William Fothergill Cooke and English scientist Charles Wheatstone. It was a form of needle telegraph, and the first telegraph system to be put into commercial service. The receiver consisted of a number of needles that could be moved by electromagnetic coils to point to letters on a board. This feature was liked by early users who were unwilling to learn codes, and employers who did not want to invest in staff training.
Charles Ernest Spagnoletti MInstCE, MIEE was an electrical inventor and the first telegraph superintendent of the Great Western Railway (GWR). He also advised various railway companies on the use of electricity, signalling, and telegraphy.
A needle telegraph is an electrical telegraph that uses indicating needles moved electromagnetically as its means of displaying messages. It is one of the two main types of electromagnetic telegraph, the other being the armature system, as exemplified by the telegraph of Samuel Morse in the United States. Needle telegraphs were widely used in Europe and the British Empire during the nineteenth century.
The British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph Company was a provider of telegraph services and infrastructure. It was founded in 1850 by John Brett. The Magnetic became the principal competitor to the largest telegraph company in the United Kingdom, Electric Telegraph Company, and became the leading company in Ireland. The two companies dominated the market until the telegraph was nationalised in 1870.
The Foy–Breguet telegraph, also called the French telegraph, was an electrical telegraph of the needle telegraph type developed by Louis-François-Clement Breguet and Alphonse Foy in the 1840s for use in France. The system used two-needle instruments that presented a display using the same code as that on the optical telegraph of Claude Chappe. The Chappe telegraph was extensively used in France by the government, so this arrangement was appealing to them as it meant there was no need to retrain operators.
Earth-return telegraph is the system whereby the return path for the electric current of a telegraph circuit is provided by connection to the earth through an earth electrode. Using earth return saves a great deal of money on installation costs since it halves the amount of wire that is required, with a corresponding saving on the labour required to string it. The benefits of doing this were not immediately noticed by telegraph pioneers, but it rapidly became the norm after the first earth-return telegraph was put into service by Carl August von Steinheil in 1838.