Sequence (filmmaking)

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In film, a sequence is a scene or a series of scenes that form a distinct narrative unit to advance the story, plot, or character development, usually connected either by a unity of location or a unity of time. [1] For example, a heist film might include an extended recruitment sequence in which the leader of the gang collects together the conspirators, a robbery sequence, an escape sequence, and so on. Each of these sequences might further contain sub-sequences; for example the robbery sequence might consist of an entry sequence, a safe-cracking sequence, and so on.

The sequence is one of a hierarchy of structural units used to describe the structure of films in varying degrees of granularity. Analyzed this way, a film is composed of one or more acts; acts include one or more sequences; sequences are divided into one or more scenes; and scenes may be thought of as being built out of shots (if one is thinking visually) or beats (if one is thinking in narrative terms).[ citation needed ]

The sequence paradigm of screenwriting was developed by Frank Daniel.[ citation needed ]

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  1. "Definition of Sequence and Scene in Screenwriting". ScreenWriting Science. Retrieved 2024-07-26.