Sewall Wright Award

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Sewall Wright Award
Sponsored by American Society of Naturalists

ASN Award for Distinguished Achievement in the Conceptual Unification of the Biological Sciences, previously known as the Sewall Wright Award, [1] is given annually by the American Society of Naturalists to a "senior-level" and active investigator making fundamental contributions the conceptual unification of the biological sciences. The award was established in 1991 and named after Sewall Wright. The recipient need not be a member of the Society or an American. A plaque and award of $1,000 are presented at a banquet. [2]


Award recipients

Source: American Society of Naturalists

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Mark A. Kirkpatrick is a theoretical population geneticist and evolutionary biologist. He currently holds the T. S. Painter Centennial Professorship in Genetics in the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin. His research touches on a wide variety of topics, including the evolution of sex chromosomes, sexual selection, and speciation. Kirkpatrick is the co-author, along with Douglas J. Futuyma, of a popular undergraduate evolution textbook. He is a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences.

Douglas Schemske is an evolutionary ecologist who made major contributions to research on pollination, the latitudinal gradient in species diversity, the evolution of polyploidy, and plant mating systems.


  1. [ bare URL ]
  2. Secretary's Report. 1992. (1992) American Naturalist 140:1058. JSTOR   2462935
  3. Wilbur, H. M. (1998). "1996 Sewall Wright Award: Robert T. Paine". The American Naturalist. 151 (1): i–t. doi:10.1086/513833. PMID   18811418.
  4. Gill, D. E. (1998). "Sewall Wright Award 1997: Douglas Joel Futuyma". The American Naturalist. 152 (1): i–vi. doi:10.1086/513674. PMID   18811396.
  5. Holt, R. D.; McPeek, M. A.; Moran, N. A.; Seger, J. (1999). "1998 Sewall Wright Award: William Donald Hamilton". The American Naturalist. 153: i–ii. doi:10.1086/303156.
  6. Jaenike, J. (2000). "1999 Sewall Wright Award: Janis Antonovics". The American Naturalist. 155: i–ii. doi:10.1086/303305.
  7. Antonovics, J. (2002). "2001 Sewall Wright Award: Ilkka A. Hanski". The American Naturalist. 159 (1): i. doi:10.1086/338777. PMID   18707395.
  8. Huey, R. B. (2003). "Linda Partridge". The American Naturalist. 161 (1): i–ii. doi:10.1086/367716. PMID   12650458.
  9. Zuk, M. (2004). "2003 Sewall Wright Award". The American Naturalist. 163: i–ii. doi:10.1086/381946.
  10. McPeek, M. (2005). "2004 Sewall Wright Award". The American Naturalist. 165: i. doi:10.1086/427345.
  11. Turelli, M. (2006). "2005 Sewall Wright Award". The American Naturalist. 167 (1): i. doi:10.1086/498280. PMID   17209245.
  12. Lande, R (2007). "2006 Sewall Wright Award. Brian Charlesworth". The American Naturalist. 169 (1): iii. doi:10.1086/510731. PMID   17209244.
  13. Price, T. (2008). "2007 American Society of Naturalists Awards". The American Naturalist. 171: iii. doi:10.1086/524694.
  14. Antonovics, J. (2009). "2008 American Society of Naturalists Awards". The American Naturalist. 173: iv–v. doi:10.1086/593708.
  15. Ketterson, E. (2010). "2009 American Society of Naturalists Awards". The American Naturalist. 175: ii–iii. doi:10.1086/649134.
  16. "Sewall Wright Award: Ruth Shaw". American Society of Naturalists. February 24, 2017.
  17. [ bare URL ]