Shape correction function

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The shape correction function is a ratio of the surface area of a growing organism and that of an isomorph as function of the volume. The shape of the isomorph is taken to be equal to that of the organism for a given reference volume, so for that particular volume the surface areas are also equal and the shape correction function has value one.

For a volume and reference volume , the shape correction function equals [1] :

Static mixtures between a V0 and a V1-morph can be found as: for

The shape correction function is used in Dynamic Energy Budget theory to correct equations for isomorphs to organisms that change shape during growth. The conversion is necessary for accurately modelling food (substrate) acquisition and mobilization of reserve for use by metabolism.

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An isomorph is an organism that does not change in shape during growth. The implication is that its volume is proportional to its cubed length, and its surface area to its squared length. This holds for any shape it might have; the actual shape determines the proportionality constants.

An V1-morph is an organism that changes in shape during growth such that its surface area is proportional to its volume. In most cases both volume and surface area are proportional to length

A V0-morph is an organism whose surface area remains constant as the organism grows.

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  1. Kooijman, S. A. L. M. (2010). Dynamic energy budget theory for metabolic organisation (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN   978-0-511-64011-7. OCLC   535951807.