Ship Sarcophagus

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National Museum of Beirut - Ship Sarcophagus 3 National Museum of Beirut - Ship Sarcophagus 3.jpg
National Museum of Beirut – Ship Sarcophagus 3

The Ship Sarcophagus, also known as the Sarcophagus au Navire, is a Roman era sarcophagus found by Georges Contenau in 1913 in Magharet Abloun, a necropolis containing the remains of Phoenician kings and notables in the south of Sidon in modern-day Lebanon. The sarcophagus has been dated to the 2nd century CE. [1] [2]

It is considered the most important of all the sarcophagi discovered by Contenau in Sidon. [3]

The relief at the head of the sarcophagus represents an ancient ship. [3]


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  1. Stillwell, Richard, ed. (1976). The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites. Princeton University Press. p. SIDON (Saida) Lebanon entry.
  2. Herm, Gerhard (1975). The Phoenicians: The Purple Empire of the Ancient World. Morrow. p. 127. ISBN   978-0-688-02908-1.
  3. 1 2 "Sidon." In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Ed. Eric M. Meyers, Issam Ali Khalifeh. Oxford Biblical Studies Online: "In 1913 Georges Contenau, director of the Department of Oriental Antiquities of the Louvre Museum, uncovered a series of Roman sarcophagi at Magharat Ablun, of which the Sarcophage au Navire is the most important. On it a sculptured relief of a Roman ship is depicted."